Aphex04 - A Pixel Perfect .psd Theme

Aphex04 - A Pixel Perfect .psd Theme

Aphex04 is a simple and elegant Creative theme. It is well grouped and properly layered to make the slicing process easy. It is highly customizable, because of the use of layer styles and shape layers. So if you want to change colors and details, you can tweak the layer style of any specific layer and you can easily customize it’s appearance. The theme is designed based on a 960 grid system, and it is mobile-friendly.


Icons used in the design are from the awesome icon pack by Brankic1979, free for download at: http://brankic1979.com/icons/

The design also makes use of the iconsweets2 icon set. It is an amazing freeware iconset that can be downloaded from http://iconsweets2.com/

The images at the preview files are taken from the Creattica ( http://creattica.com/ ) website and are not included in the download files.

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