Loook - Responsive Magazine or Blog

Loook - Responsive Magazine or Blog

The Loook theme is a fresh take on a WordPress magazine. With the innovative ‘tile system’ it mainly focuses on photo-centric content, and therefore serves the current trend defined by Pinterest and Polyvore.
Besides the beautifuly polished and clean appearence, it also has a few very unique and exclusive features.

This theme can be used for any kind of blog, magazine or portfolio site. The theme options offer a wide range of customization possibilities,the style can go from a sophisticated portfolio, to a cheerful handycrafts blog.

Get the XHTML version of the Loook theme


  • Unique tile system with many compositions to select from
  • Extensive theme options, everything is styleable over the interface, easy to customize
  • Unlimited color and background options
  • Creates re-colored versions of icons and layout images automatically (no need to fire up Photoshop)
  • Dynamic stylesheet generated from theme options
  • Modular front page with categories and tile groups
  • Many individual settings for every single post or static page
  • Streched or boxed layout
  • Navigation centered or at the top
  • Smart picture resizing, define the direction of cropping for each image (no Timthumb)
  • Dynamic sidebars inside tile system
  • Full width slider
  • Carousel
  • Super easy video integration, just copy paste links from Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr, Hulu…
  • Fully responsive
  • SEO friendly
  • Sample data included
  • Translation ready
  • Custom language switcher for WPML
  • Tested and verified by the WPML team

SMOF – Options-Framework * Deluxeblogtips.com * Subtlepatterns.com * jQuery Flexslider * jQuery MobileMenu * jQuery Poshytip * jQuery Caroufredsel * WPML


The fotos shown in the demo are not included in the download.

Version 3.4 - Added option to display additional sidebars on selective pages - Minor CSS improvementsVersion 3.3- Fixed minor bug in carousel javascriptVersion 3.2- Updated image resizing scriptVersion 3.1- Fixes 'refresh pictures' feature issueVersion 3.0- Added functionality to change meta-box default values in theme options panel- Fixed issue in breadcrumb script with child categories missing separatorVersion 2.9- Added responsive background picture option- Updated meta-box scriptVersion 2.8 - Fixed empty top posts bug, when category name consists of multiple words- Added new icons for info-menuVersion 2.7- Minor bug fix, number of slides couldn't be set lower than 4Version 2.6- Small bugfix in archive pages - Discontinued dependency on File-Un-Attach Plugin (WP 3.5)Version 2.5 - Fixed small CSS issues- Fixed archive pages menu issueVersion 2.4- Flexible menu position per pageVersion 2.3- Fixed slider width 942 px- Updated theme options panel- Included import/export function for theme optionsVersion 2.2- Bugfix Meta-Box scriptVersion 2.1 - August 11th, 2012- Cleaned out shortcodes from teasers- Minor code improvementsVersion 2.0 - July 21th, 2012- Fixed  'no cateogory' PHP warning- Fixed handling of .JPEG extensions- Minor CSS improvementsVersion 1.9 - June 30th, 2012- Added primary category option- Added list headline lenght option- Minor CSS improvementsVersion 1.8 - June 14th, 2012 - Theme options compatibility with WordPress 3.4- Minor improvement for sliders- Documentation updateVersion 1.7 - May 21st, 2012- Minor bug fix in sidebar handlingVersion 1.6 - May 14th, 2012- Improved picture handling- Added thumbnail refresh functionality - Added color option for headlines in single view- Minor CSS improvementsVersion 1.5 - May 7th, 2012- Added more sidebars for ads- Added 'top posts from categories' functionality- Merged JS files for better performance- Fixed z-index bug in Chrome (videos)- Updated sample content- Updated documentation- Minor CSS and JS improvementsVersion 1.4 - April 30th, 2012- Minor CSS improvements- Fixed carousel PHP notice in archive pages- Created separate archives.php templateVersion 1.3 - April 25th, 2012- Added option for menu position in single post view- Fixed empty video slide issue- Enhanced documentationVersion 1.2 - April 24th, 2012 - Fixed wp_nav_menu() theme locations - Fixed hidden admin barVersion 1.1 - April 22nd, 2012- Added video support for sliders in single post view- Added video support for summary sliders on front page and archive pages  Supported video providers:   YouTube (public videos), Vimeo, DailyMotion, blip.tv,    Flickr (both videos and images), Viddler, Hulu, Qik,    Revision3, Scribd, Photobucket, PollDaddy,    WordPress.tv (only VideoPress-type videos), SmugMug,    FunnyOrDie.com

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