Era PSD - Visual Performance

Era PSD - Visual Performance

Follow me and stay tuned for the upcoming HTML and WordPress releases!!

Era – Visual Performance is precisely that. A theme that cares a lot about visual hierarchy, aesthetics and breathing space, yet does not sacrifice functionality, performance and usability. Era combines strong visuals, big images, attracting links and hierarchical elements with speed, user-friendly environments and usability.

In short, why do you want Era?

  • Clean, ordered and named folders and layers
  • Web Developer oriented (See below)
  • Colored folders for dynamic states (active, hover, etc.)
  • Global margins (by using only 4 different margins, this theme is very consistent and offers a strong, stable layout)
  • 14 Unique (really, unique) templates
  • Video Guide included
  • Ongoing support

Please note that this is the Photoshop (PSD) release. That means that this is not a functional HTML /CSS theme.

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