AppShow - Clean App Site Template

AppShow - Clean App Site Template

AppShow is a slick new App Site Template that allows you to quickly and easily deploy an interactive site for your App with little work. It comes packed with features that will allow you to save time, money, and put your App on par with even some of the top Apps and increase your sales immediately.


  • Clean, modern App Site style design works in all the latest and greatest browsers, and includes patches for the oldies.
  • Awesome mock up iPhone 4 that doubles as a slideshow for screenshots of your App.
  • Working iPhone Home Button can take your visitors where ever you want, even your iTunes App Store page!
  • Slick tabbed content panels for features, reviews, and anything else you could think of! Adding new panels is incredibly simple.
  • 64 Matching feature icons all ready to use with simple CSS classes.
  • 31 Social media icons, also all ready to use.
  • Slick email subscription form in footer.
  • Includes full documentation on customizing AppShow, adding tabs / panels, and using the iPhone slideshow.


“I really like this template, you did a great job!
~ from buyer CreativlyMe

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