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Xero WordPress theme is one of the most powerful WordPress themes on Themeforest. Tons of options that will make you not to buy anything else other than Xero WordPress theme. 

Version History
Version 1.2.2 on 6/01/2011
Fixes bugs in portfolio template.
Version 1.2 on 16/12/2010
Fixes major Xero 1.1 errors.
Version 1.1
Grey colour - Added (see preview)Colour schemes - improved (see preview, clear cache to see changes)Export feature - improved
Version 1
First Release
Key Features
- WordPress 3 ready.
- 9 colour variation.
- Two slider options, coin and nivo.
- Various portfolio layout variations.
- Gallery integration on portfolio pages.
- 19 short codes for ease of usage.
- Custom widgets.
- Support for custom navigation menus and post-thumbnails
- Custom post type for portfolio projects.
- 6 Widget ready areas.
- Ajax powered contact form
- Footer ajax powered contact form.
- Never will have to resize an image, all done behind the scene.
- WizyPanel powered one of the most powerful back-end for wordpress.
- WizyPanel Slides Manager for both nivo and coin.
- Import/Export theme settings.
- Search engines optimised.
- Ready integrated pagination without plugins.
- FanxyBox lightbox integrated.
- Cross browser compatible.
- @font-face font replacement
- Unlimited level dropdown menu using wordpress nav menus.
- Footer social profiles menu using wordpress nav menus.
- PSD Included.
- Screen casts documentation included.