Prestige – Ultimate WordPress Theme

Prestige - Ultimate WordPress Theme

Current Version 1.5.2
For more details about update please scroll down – go to the bottom of item description.

Prestige is an unique and advanced WordPress theme. It comes with a big pack of various skins, shortcodes, widgets and fonts. Thanks to massive CMS options panel you can fully customize this theme to your needs. Prestige is the ultimate package with functional and powerful features.

Prestige comes in two versions: Dark (300 various skins) and Light (100 various skins).

* Live Preview for dark version: Prestige Dark

* Live Preview for light version: Prestige Light (this version comes with the same functionality and all the features included in the released earlier dark version)

Main Features:

400 skins – you can check all skins on Live Preview via special Control Panel. Some skins work better with some specific fonts and font colors. In Prestige theme two skins collections are included:

- 150 classic and elegant skins in vol.1 collection

- 150 modern and stylish skins in vol.2 collection

- 100 skins for Prestige Light version (includes 50 new skins added with v1.5 update)

130 shortcodes with full live documentation – a huge list of simple and advanced shortcodes that allow you to customize text, insert media files (images, videos and audio), create unique mini galleries, use sliders in content, and much more… Here you will find a detailed description for all Prestige shortcodes with some examples: Shortcodes List

Over 20 widgets – all widgets are described in short here: Prestige widgets list. You can use it to build sidebars and widgetized footer.

30 fonts – you can also check all fonts on control panel in Live Preview

6 header icons sets

DC Ratings System Plugin – it is possible to use rating system for Blog posts, news, projects and regular pages. You can also use special rating shortcodes that allow to use rating system also for Galleries and Portfolios. This plugin allows also to vote comments and display a top comment for each page/post (thumbs system). Plugin can be customized in some ways, like for example you can change the star icons to your own graphics very easily.

DC Newsletter Plugin – allows you to collect emails from your viewers. This feature allows you to build multiple collections of emails

5 Homepage Sliders – classic Prestige Slider, advanced Accordion Slider, unique Progress Slider, functional Chain Gallery Slider (works with NextGEN Gallery plugin), and Video Slider (allows to display embeded videos from YouTube and Vimeo). You have full control over sliders via CMS options.

Portfolio and News pages with own categories – 5 types of layout for portfolio pages, News page with a functional Calendar Archive search option and 2 types of Fetured News display (slider / single image plus description)

Functional Galleries – thanks to NextGEN Gallery features and special shortcodes, you can easily build and manage a massive gallery sections. To use this feature NextGEN Gallery plugin must be installed.

Multiple Blogs, Portfolios, News and Galleries

Advanced Footer – can be build from four elements (Links, Widgetized footer, Bottom line text, Bottom logo)

Extensive documentation – a full live documentation for shortcodes and a full documentation of all features as a PDF User Guide.

Totally customizable content – using Prestige CMS options and a massive collection of shortcodes, you can customize your pages and posts. You can create full width posts, change sidebar position from left to right

Additional Features:

Search system – Search page allows you and every site visitor to define search. You can search in Pages, Blog Posts, News Posts and Portfolio Posts

Flow player included – allows to display videos directly from your server

Shortcode Sliders as main media item for posts – instead of image or video, you can also use for example shortcode fly gallery as a main item that will be displayed above post content

Map Pages – pages with an alphabetical list of Pages, Tags, Projects

Contact Page – page with working AJAX/PHP contact form

Unlimited Sidebars – create as many sidebars as you want, assign different sidebar for pages and posts, or use a default sidebar option

PrettyPhoto lightbox – choose one of 5 default lightbox styles in CMS options

Main Navigation Menu – custom menu system with menu manager. It is also possible to use WordPress 3.0 Menus system

Header Icons manager – you can choose one of 6 icons sets, choose which icons will be displayed or create your own icons set and use it on our site

Prestige Location Maps – additional map images of almost every part of the world. You can use these images to present your office localization or use it to any other presentation that needs a continent/country map. In Prestige theme you will find example PNG images and ready to use PSD files. You can use these PSD files to mark your city/cities or to modify these maps in some other way to your needs. In package 9 maps are included: Europe, USA, Canada, Mexico, Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Asia, East (Arabian Peninsula), South America.

And more…

External scripts and resources used:

- Pretty Photo plugin

- We used some great free brushes for this theme from David Leggett, and Bombay101

We would also like to thank photographers:

- Josh Liba
- Mark J. Sebastian
- Chris Willis
- Dawid Wong
- Helga Weber
- Mark McArdle
- Tim Wang
- Tony Chen
- Nic Redhead

Restrictions and recommendations:

- Homepage sliders must have at least two slides to work properly

- For image descriptions in galleries it is not possible to use regular quote characters

- Gallery pages and some shortcodes are using free NextGEN Gallery plugin by Alex Rabe & Photocrati. With this plugin you can simple create and manage your image galleries in WordPress. You will have to install this plugin to use these features. NOTE: Recommended NGG version to use with the theme is 1.9.13 – this older version can be downloaded here. It is also possible to use NGG version 2.0+, but if version 2.0+ is used, the latest compatible version for this moment is NGG version

Updates List

Before you make any theme file updates, please make a copy of your current files just in case.

Version v1.5.2

VERSION 1.5.2 (date: 30.06.2015)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////- 2 files in theme_folder/cms/phpcp_general.phpcp_shortcodes.php- 1 file in theme_folder/lib/jsjquery.prettyPhoto.js- 2 files in main theme folder/header.phpstyle.css///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////UPDATE CHANGES DESCRIPTION:01. NEW: new parameter max_pages for dcs_recent_posts shortcode02. FIX: lightbox version update03. FIX: sliders theme options functionality

Version v1.5.1

VERSION 1.5.1 (date: 31.12.2013)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////- 1 file in theme_folder/js/common.js- 2 files in main theme_folder/style.cssthumb.php///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////UPDATE CHANGES DESCRIPTION:01. FIX: Timthumb file updated to latest available version02. FIX: JavaScript additional fix for slider JS code calls

Version v1.5

VERSION 1.5 (date: 30.12.2013)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////- 1 file in theme_folder/cms/js/htmleditor.js- 7 files in theme_folder/cms/php/cp_chainslider.phpcp_classes.phpcp_controlpanel.phpcp_general.phpcp_menu.phpcp_functions.phpcp_shortcodes.php- 4 files in theme_folder/css/addPages.csscommon.cssslider_prestige.cssslider_video.css- 1 file in theme_folder/css/pphoto/prettyphoto.css- 1 file in theme_folder/js/common.js- 1 file in theme_folder/lib/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js- 27 files in theme_folder/author.phpblog.phpcategory.phpcomments.phpcontact.phpdate.phpgallery.phpheader.phphomepage.phpindex.phpnews.phpportfolio-post.phpportfolio-project.phpscreenshot.pngsearch.phpsearchpage.phpsidebarpage.phpsidebarpageleft.phpsidebarpageright.phpsingle.phpsingle-news.phpsingle-project.phpstyle.csstag.phptaxonomy-news_cat.phptaxonomy-news_tag.phpthumb.php- 1 file in wp-content/plugins/dcp-newsletter/admin/     (new file is located in theme_folder/plugins/...)admin.php- 1 file in wp-content/plugins/dcp-newsletter/js/     (new file is located in theme_folder/plugins/...)common.js- 1 file in wp-content/plugins/dcp-voting/admin/     (new file is located in theme_folder/plugins/...)admin.php- 1 file in wp-content/plugins/dcp-voting/lib/     (new file is located in theme_folder/plugins/...)shortcodes.php- 1 file in wp-content/plugins/dcp-voting/css/     (new file is located in theme_folder/plugins/...)common.css- 2 files in wp-content/plugins/     (new files are located in theme_folder/plugins/...)dcwp_recentcategoryposts.phpdcwp_recentnews.php- "skins" folder - only for Prestige light version     (to use new additional light skins, just delete the skins      folder on server in PrestigeLight theme and upload updated     "skins" folder from version 1.5 - from theme/PrestigeLight/)///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////UPDATE CHANGES DESCRIPTION:01. FIX: 2 missing buttons in HTML editor (dcs_p & dcs_clearboth)02. FIX: DCC_WPMenuCustomWalker class changes           (WordPress menu was not displaying properly in WP 3.7+)03. FIX: WordPress menu link target option support added04. FIX: Optimization changes in wp_register_script           - only selected slider JS file is now called in header05. FIX: Footer copyright text option changed to textarea           to avoid problems with inserting html code06. FIX: Random display option functionality for chain slider07. FIX: Pagination function code optimization08. FIX: dcs_lb_player shortcode fix in the html code09. FIX: dcs_recent_news and dcs_news shortcodes changes            - posts with no image are now allowed10. FIX: dcs_project shortcode fix for "read more" link11. FIX: IE9 fix dla post community icons12. FIX: IE browser fix for "popup search panel" background13. FIX: Thumbnail area for prestige slider increased            - 8 slides are now allowed in one thumbnails row14. FIX: News page with WP 3.5+             - archive calendar was displayed open by default15. FIX: Sidebar code moved after the content container16. FIX: Option "extra top content" is now used by more templates            - blog, contact, gallery, news, portfolio17. FIX: Blog page template can be set for Front Page option18. FIX: Comments - "Visit Site" fix for comments with no website19. FIX: Small search form changes - onclick added for input20. FIX: Sliders CSS calls optimization in header            - only selected homepage slider CSS is loaded21. FIX: News page template can be set for Front Page option22. FIX: News page template - posts with no image are now allowed23. FIX: Portfolio-post page template             - "undefined" text in lightbox changed to post title24. FIX: For community icons switch in news posts25. FIX: For "Add Media" option             (when voting and newsletter plugins are activated)26. FIX: For prepare function in newsletter plugin27. FIX: Newsletter plugin panel text translation options28. FIX: For Recent Category Posts widget empty category fields29. FIX: For "light square mode" in lightbox (text was invisible)30. FIX: Video slider in light version - description color fix31. NEW: "Height" parameter added for dcs_rounded_box shortcode32. NEW: New parameter "alt" for dcs_img added (only for async set to false)33. NEW: Parameter "image" for dcs_recent_news34. NEW: Shortcode dcs_recent_projects            - recent projects in big blog layout display35. NEW: Shortcode dcs_recent_projects_small             - recent projects in small layout display36. NEW: Shortcode dcs_recent_posts_small             - recent posts in small layout display37. NEW: Parameter "descheight" for dcs_chain_gallery             - description can be moved below the slides38. NEW: Option "Excluded Categories" for recent news widget39. NEW: 50 light skins added: Classic Box, Edge Crenate, Grunge Splatter,                   Jagged Paper, Simple Shiny, Tree Conifer, Zone StripWith this update we also added some other small changes in various places in the code - some css code improvements and typo bugs fixes.

Earlier versions

Changes description and instruction for previous Prestige releases are available here – Update instruction

Version 1.4 (released 16 April, 2011)
Version 1.3 (released 23 December, 2010)
Version 1.2 (released 18 November, 2010)
Version 1.1 (released 9 November, 2010)
Version 1.0 (released 21 October, 2010)

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