Sails.js From Scratch

Sails.js From Scratch

Envato Tuts+ Courses

  • Video courses taught by expert instructors.
  • Learn new skills from start to finish.
  • Downloadable Source Files also available on GitHub.

Course Description

Sails.js is designed to make it easy to build Node.js web apps. Like Ruby on Rails, it implements the MVC (model-view-controller) pattern and saves a lot of routine coding by emphasising convention over configuration. Sails.js is built to support the requirements of modern web apps: data-driven APIs and a flexible, service-oriented architecture.

In this course, Envato Tuts+ instructor Dan Wellman will show you how to use Sails.js to quickly and easily build scalable, real-time web applications. By following along, you’ll learn to create APIs in Sails as well as how to use and to override many of its defaults. You’ll also see how to connect a Sails API to an AngularJS front-end.

What You’ll Learn

  • How Sails.js can help you easily develop real-time web apps.
  • How to use the blueprint shortcut routes to rapidly add test data for use during development.
  • Working with a MongoDB database.
  • How to add a user model with attribute validations to store a collection of registered users.
  • Working with controllers, middleware, routes, policies, and responses.
  • Additional techniques, such as hooking into the Sails bootstrap process and exposing the event API.

About the Instructor

Dan Wellman is an author and front-end developer based in the south of England. By day he builds web sites and applications and likes to focus on JavaScript, testing and workflow tools. By night he produces video courses for Envato Tuts+ on a range of mostly front-end focused topics, usually centered around JavaScript. You can check out his website, follow him on Twitter, and see his profile on GitHub.

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