Building an App With Cordova

Building an App With Cordova

Envato Tuts+ Courses

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Course Description

The Cordova platform is a cross-platform framework for building apps. Instead of building an app with native languages like Java or Objective C, you can build it with familiar web technologies and bundle it in a native container for your target platform. Cordova allows you to build apps for Android and iOS, as well as Amazon Fire, BlackBerry, Firefox, and Ubuntu.

Despite using web technologies, Cordova has robust support for using the features and facilities of a mobile environment. In this course, we’ll pay special attention to the camera, contacts and navigation.

Envato Tuts+ instructor Reggie Dawson will teach you a cross-platform development workflow with Cordova. You’ll learn about some of the options for front-end frameworks, how to work with Cordova plugins, and how to test and debug apps with an emulator. Along the way, you’ll build a useful Cordova app! The course project will be to build a simple tool for real-estate agents in the field.

What You’ll Learn

  • What Cordova is, and the pros and cons of different frameworks.
  • How to work with the config.xml file.
  • How to use the deviceready event.
  • Three different ways to test a Cordova app.
  • Adding plugins to your app, such as photo capture, navigation, and contact management.
  • How to style your app and add graphic elements.

About the Instructor

Reginald Dawson is a longtime network admin who has finally moved over to coding. Skilled in web development and obsessed with frameworks (Angular, Meteor and Ionic to name a few), he is using his past experience as an instructor to help others learn to use technology.

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