VG Cendo - WooCommerce WordPress Theme for Furniture Stores

VG Cendo - WooCommerce WordPress Theme for Furniture Stores

VG Cendo – Best Furniture WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Compatible with WordPress 4.5+ and WooCommerce 2.5+

Version 1.5 is out! (May 10, 2016) Click here to view the Change logs

Selling furniture online can be tough business to get into. First, you have to compete with traditional, physical stores that, admittedly, customers still prefer (it is after all, hard to buy a thousand dollar bed without even testing it first). Second, you have to compete against other online stores. But there are ways to get ahead of the competition! One is by simply selecting a great theme for your site. And VG Cendo is one of The Best Furniture WooCommerce WordPress Theme that you can use to boost your online business.

VG Cendo is a clean WooCommerce WordPress Theme that you can easily customize to suit your brand. Think of it as having a blank, white wall and having many buckets of paint to choose from. It comes with: 3 Unique Theme Layouts (we’ve created 3 Presets Color for each layout) and 3 Theme Box Layouts (with 16 Background Color, 31 Background Images you can easy mix style as you want).

Aside from just looking beautifully polished and clean, VG Cendo comes packed with features and options. The most powerful and trendy features such as Product Quick View, Product Compare, VG WooCarousel (save $17), Product Tabs Slider, VG PostCarousel (save $15), Ajax Wishlist, Visual Composer (save $34), Ajax Shopping Cart, Revolution Slider (save $19) and Mega Main Menu (Save $15) with many columns under each product categories takes customers to everywhere in your online shops with much more features.

We have a dedicated support center for all of your support needs. It includes our Documentation, Community Forum and an advanced Ticket System for any questions you have. We usually get back to you within 14-16 hours. (except holiday seasons which might take longer). Use our theme you will never working alone!

  1. Live Demo:
  2. Online Documentation:
  3. Forum Support:
  4. Ticket Support:

VG Cendo – Changelogs:

VERSION 1.0 - Released on January 29, 2016- First release.
VERSION 1.1 - Released on February 16, 2016- Update all plugins using on this theme to latest version.- Fix bug: Division by zero in product list
VERSION 1.2 - Released on March 03, 2016- Update: compatible with new version of WooCommerce 2.5+- Update all plugins using on this theme to latest version.- Add new: implement new awesome search plugin.- Fix bug: Add to cart in Compare open new window.- Fix bug: Can't hide rating in listing page and carousel.- Fix bug: Layout to display subcategories not good.- Improved: Allow show/hide title in shopping page.- Improved: Change all text domain of the theme to one text domain.
VERSION 1.3 - Released on April 07, 2016- Fix bug: Variable Price display wrong.- Fix bug: css bug in category page.- New Option: allow enter Google Anylatics in Theme Options- New Option: show/hide social button on product details page.
VERSION 1.4 - Released on April 20, 2016- Fix bug: some javascript bug in WordPress 4.5- Fix bug: can't install requires plugins when active child-theme.- Update: all plugins using on this theme to latest version.- Fix bug: allow translate all text in the theme via .pot file- Fully compatible with WordPress 4.5 and WooCommerce 2.5
VERSION 1.5 - Released on May 10, 2016- New Option: show/hide sidebar for Blog Page in Theme Options- New Option: show/hide quickview in Theme Options- Fix Bug: display shortcode when plugins Wishlist & Compare not yet install/published- New Option: show/hide Product Meta (Single Product) in Theme Options- New Option: show/hide blog author in Theme Options

VG Cendo – Other Versions:

Prestashop VersionMagento Version

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