ShoppyStore - WooCommerce WordPress Theme

ShoppyStore - WooCommerce WordPress Theme


SW ShoppyStore is professional WooCommerce WordPress theme built with Bootstrap and powered by Visual Composer. The theme is ideal for any kind of shopping store from clothes to electronics stores.

SW ShoppyStore comes with 7 elegent homepage layouts and 8 color variations. It is not only about a beautiful design, but also about a fully functional theme that focussess on user experience and usability with huge number of awesome features: Responsive layout, Mega Menu, product Gird & List view, product Quick view, Slider Revolution, Demo One-click Installation, RTL and multilingual, Boxed layout, etc…




Each page can have it’s own custom header with different height and background image or slider. With 7 homapages, administrator can select which topic is suitale for their website or apply theme for other-purposed different websites.


Fully Responsive

SW ShoppyStore is designed to be fully responsive layout, it will make your site have amazing look on any devices.


Menu styles

You can easy to create columns to display categories and products with description, price, image, video, effects… or even add links to any page, widgets with promotion banners and plugins.


Woocommerce Integration

Theme uses the excellent WooCommerce plugin ( version 4.5) to transform your WordPress website into an eCommerce store.


Visual Composer

Visual Composer ( 4.11.2) is drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that will save you tons of time working on the site content.


Quick view

It’s very flexible for users to select the main color for the website. With 8 colors, and users also easily customize color styles, this WooCommerce WordPress theme is really awesome for color-customizing


Quick view

It’s so convenient for customers to view quickly detail product on the Homepage, Listing page without leaving the current page.


Coundown timer

You are enable to show sales and promotions, upcoming events as well as for other different purposes.


revolution slider

Animate your slider as your wishes, add as many slide as you want and place them wherever on your site with powerful Revolution Slider (5.2.5).


revolution slider

Color Swatches function integrated in variation product which can show to your customers how a product looks like in different colors.

Full Feature List

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.5.x
  • Compatible with IE10+, Firefox 4+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
  • Responsive layout for all devices
  • WooCommerce 2.5.x included
  • Visual composer 4.11.2
  • Revolution slider 5.2.5
  • MailChimp for WordPress Lite 3.1.5
  • Once click installation
  • Advanced widget options
  • Unlimited colors and over 500 Google web fonts
  • Allow to set site title, tagline, logo and Analytics ID
  • RTL Ready
  • Support menu with Mega and dropdown style
  • Support primary menu location, widget sidebars
  • 8 preset Color Styles: Default color (red), Pink, Green, Orange, Blue, Violet, Bordeaux, Green Cyan.
  • Fully integrated with Font Awesome Icon
  • Support to add custom CSS/JS
  • Social Networks integration
  • CSS3 table-less design
  • LESS for advanced development
  • Custom page templates: about us, contact us…
  • Custom style for plugin Contact Form 7 and SEO Plugins to allow higher ranks.


SW ShoppyStore Theme Package
Use this package to install to your current site

PSD Sources
All PSD design themes

Detailed Documentation
Provide all detailed steps to configure theme

Change Log

------------  VERSION - 1.6.0: Release on Apr-28-2016  ------------[+] Add one extra index ( now 7 homepages available)[+] Add one extra color Style[+]Update Woocommerce 4.5[+]Update Revolution slider 5.2.5[+]Update Visual composer 4.11.2
------------  VERSION - 1.5.0: Release on Apr-11-2016  ------------[+] Updated 3 detailed product styles[+] Fixed bug: 1. All categories product haven't show product in WooCommerce Tab Slider shortcode2. Woo Tab Slider: Broken layout when selecting category with subcategory3. Fixed other issues on the version 1.4.0
------------  VERSION - 1.4.0: Release on Mar-28-2016  ------------[+] Added 12 bonus pages[+] Fixed bug: 1. Change logo >> header style 2,4,5 no change2. Left  top menu: check box of left top menu is not working in right way.3. Breadcum doesnot change automatically when changing language.4. Theme name is wrong in the file: login.php5. Homepage 3 : Woo slider shortcode - child cate layout, in case, select category which has only one word, in front-end it doesnot display the first letter in that word.
------------  VERSION - 1.3.0: Release on Mar-05-2016  ------------[+] Added one extra index
------------  VERSION - 1.2.0: Release on Feb-25-2016  ------------[+] Added one extra index[+] Added one extra color style
------------  VERSION - 1.1.0: Release on Feb-06-2016  ------------[+] Added one extra index[+] Added one extra color style- Upgraded to WooCommerce 2.5.x
------------  VERSION - 1.0.2: Release on Jan-07-2016  ------------[+] Initial Release

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