FlyCoffee - Bar and Restaurant HTML Template

FlyCoffee - Bar and Restaurant HTML Template

FlyCoffee is a Bar and Restaurant HTML Template, responsive, Bootstrap based.It can be used for Restaurant, Bar, Bistro, Coffee Shop an more other kinds of websites.It’s easy to use, easy to set up, easy to customize because elements are professionally created.

Atention: This is HTML version. If you want to create element from dashboard with Drag & Drop Visual Page Builder you can view the WordPress version of this template:

Template features:
-Modern and Clean Design
-HTML5 and CSS3
-Twitter Bootstrap 3.X
-Responsive Design
-CSS 3 animation
-Google Fonts Support
-LESS files included

For developers:
You can customize the template by using less files.
In variables.less file there are variables for:
-Base Colors
-Global Font
-Body Background
-Button Styles
-Slider Variables
-Form Elements
-Heading size
-Menu font-size
-Menu color

WordPress version :

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