Coolbaby - Original WooCommerce theme

Coolbaby - Original WooCommerce theme



  • Fully Responsive Design It will look excellent on your desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
  • Retina-Ready We are using icon fonts
  • Revolution Slider Save $18! Use its power and functionality
  • Unlimited ColorsWe include backend color selectors so you can easily and quickly change your color throughout the entire theme.
  • Powerful Admin Panel Extremely advanced admin, allowing user to customize quickly and easily the theme
  • Shortcode Generator WordPress shortcodes easy to use and implement
  • REDUX Option Framework Redux is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins
  • Custom Widgets perfectly designed built-in custom widgets
  • Clean Code Well structured and clean HTML5 & CSS3 code means the theme can be easily extended by any developer. We used nothing but the latest features of WordPress
  • SEO OptimizedCoolbaby is very impressive in promoting your site. It have all inbuilt Search Engine Optimization parameters you have been looking for.
  • Cross Browser CompatibleCoolbaby is Tested in IE 9,10,11; Firefox; Safari; Chrome and Opera.
  • Extensive DocumentationOur theme comes with very detailed documentation, so even if you’re not familiar with HTML you’ll have no problem customizing this template.
  • Sticky header
  • Dedicated Support Whatever your level of expertise, our experienced support team are here to help you with any question you might have. So if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here for you.


version 1.0.9, 9 Fabruary

- WooCommerce version has been updated.- Footer widget area issue has been fixed. New three footer widget area has been added. - Disable redux notice.

version 1.0.8, 10 December

- WooCoomerce version has been updated.- Twitter Issue has been fixed.- Color variation swatches and photos plugin changed with a new plugin. If you are using previous plugin's premium version, Then you don't need to use new plugin. - Option added for enable/ disable related product show.

version 1.0.7, 18 November

- WooCoomerce version has been updated.- Mega Menu issue has been fixed.- Twitter Widget issue has been fixed. - Product limit option added for Product isotope Filter VC element.

version 1.0.6, 2 November

- Theme Documentation has been updated- WooCommerce version has been updated.- Default .po & .mo added- Fixed some functional issue.

version 1.0.5, 30 October

- Initial release

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