Interim - Multipurpose Email + Builder Access

Interim - Multipurpose Email + Builder Access

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Interim – The multipurpose Drag & Drop multipurpose email template

Interim is easily one of the most complex email templates that money can buy anywhere online. Saying that it’s multipurpose, for an email, would clearly be an understatement due to the massive size of the template and to the versatility that the design blocks have. Purchasing this email template will completely rewrite your thinking about what a newsletter drag & drop builder should look like and about what you should actually get when buying such a product.

The layouts are built after years of market research where we constantly gathered data from our clients, making sure that we don’t miss anything that might be of use for somebody interested in Interim.

The Drag & Drop builder offers a pleasant experience of layout building, making your task of constructing a rocking email marketing campaign a breeze and making sure that all your campaigns look great as well as deliver.

Update History

V2.0 – Apr 20th, 2015
Major Update - Interim is now available on the new email builder!UPGRADE! - Now MyMail compatible
V1.0 – Aug 7th, 2015
Official Release

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