Helli Creative Template

Helli Creative Template


Helli creative template is designed to introduce and promotion your business, company, agency or personal profile. Helli template in design with simple, clean and modern.

This template made with Bootstrap, using HTML5, CSS3, JS and jQuery.

Main Features:

- Responsive Web Design
- HTML5 & CSS3 W3C Validated
- Font-Awesome Social Icons
- Clean Codes & Easy to Customise
- Built with Bootstrap 3.3.2


- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- jquery
- FlexSlider
- Magnific-popup
- Owl Carousel
- Waypoints
- Maps Google


- unsplash
- gratisography
- Photodune

Fonts: Google Fonts

- Raleway

Note: Images Used Are For Presentation Purpose Only. Image placeholder is used in the download files.Background Images from: (not included on the download)