Youth Hostel - Creative Hostel PSD Template

Youth Hostel - Creative Hostel PSD Template

Youth Hostel is a creative hostel/hotel template especially made for worldwide owners, single owners & also one-pager type.

It includes 33 PSD files, fully layered with all stats and mouseovers included. I made a 3 in 1 template, in order to suit everyone’s need, depending on the type of template you are looking for.

The first flavor is for people who own a chain of hostels worldwide so the top of the page includes the selection of countries users need to check in.

Second flavor is for single owners who own just one hostel and try to keep things simple.

And the last flavor is for owners who prefer a one-pager type where they can fully describe their company.

The PSD is easy to customize, as all layers are properly arranged.

Thank you for taking time to look at my template.

If you love my work, I love you :)

P.S. Please note that neither the images nor the logo in the demo are available in the final package.

Inside this package:

  1. 01_Preview
  2. 02_Homepage_Worldwide
  3. 03_About_Us_Worldwide
  4. 04_Cafe_&_Breakfast_Worldwide
  5. 05_Gallery_Worldwide
  6. 06_Gallery_Pop_Up_Worldwide
  7. 07_Group_Booking_Worldwide
  8. 08_Guestbook_Worldwide
  9. 09_Room_Types_Worldwide
  10. 10_Services_Worldwide
  11. 11_Surroundings_Worldwide
  12. 12_Arrival_Worldwide
  13. 13_FAQ_Worldwide
  14. 14_Our_Rates_Worldwide
  15. 15_Our_Blog_Worldwide
  16. 16_Single_Blog_Post_Worldwide
  17. 17_Contact_Us_Worldwide
  18. 18_Homepage_Single_Owner
  19. 19_About_Us_Single_Owner
  20. 20_Cafe_&_Breakfast_Single_Owner
  21. 21_Gallery_Single_Owner
  22. 22_Gallery_Pop_Up_Single_Owner
  23. 23_Group_Booking_Single_Owner
  24. 24_Guestbook_Single_Owner
  25. 25_Room_Types_Single_Owner
  26. 26_Services_Single_Owner
  27. 27_Surroundings_Single_Owner
  28. 28_Arrival_Single_Owner
  29. 29_FAQ_Single_Owner
  30. 30_Our_Rates_Single_Owner
  31. 31_Our_Blog_Single_Owner
  32. 32_Single_Blog_Post_Single_Owner
  33. 33_Contact_Us_Single_Owner
  34. 35_Our_Blog_One_Pager
  35. 36_Single_Blog_Post_One_Pager


33 Layered PSD’s

Google Free Fonts Used

Active and Hover stats are included

Well Organized Layers

Clean and Modern Style

1140px Grid System

Easy to Customize

Fonts Used:

  1. Oswald (For the logo)
  2. Open Sans
  3. Varela Round

If you need support, please send me an email using the contact form on my user page.

I usually respond to support requests within 24 hours so please feel free to contact me with problems of any kind or even simple questions, I don’t mind responding.

If you love my work, I love you :)

P.S. Please note that neither the images nor the logo in the demo are available in the final package.