Bodo - Beautiful Agency & Portfolio Theme

Bodo - Beautiful Agency & Portfolio Theme

Bodo – A Beautiful Agency & Portfolio Template tells a story through imagery, fonts and an amazing new layout. With not a pixel out of place, it is the most amazing way to highlight all of your or studios work.

This theme is highly Flexible, Customizable & fully Responsive making it ideal for Agencies, Studios, Photographers, Fashion Designers, Bloggers and Creatives.

So, show your work & create immersive portfolios with Bodo – No more small thumbnails or templates everyone else uses. It is a new way to craft your portfolio by designing powerful case studies & beautifully crafted branded project pages.

Bodo V.1.4

 - Fix image width in portfolio-item page;- Fix issue with masonry.

Bodo V.1.3

 - fixed styles issues;- fixed issu with the links;- fixed issue with with portfolio item text.

Bodo V.1.2

- slider issues on responsive;- video in portfolio items on mobile devices;- portfolio items issues.

Bodo September 23, 2015

Change log (Bodo v.1.1.7):- issue with map is fixed;- counter is added.

BODO September 11, 2015

Change log (Bodo_v.1.1.5): - updated portfolio categories filter.Change log (v.1.1.6):- fixed importer

BODO September 3 2015

Change log (Bodo v.1.1):- portfolio categories (all the imems are showing in each category);- text under top banner not displaying correctly;- after click to "Load more" project are displaying not correctly;- links in menu are not working;- social icons not showing and text is not centered;- scroll with transition;- portfolio items displaying not correctly.

BODO August 21 2015

1. The Website does not work  well on iPad and on iPhone (fixed)2. Slider does not work correctly (fixed)3. The Portfolio Pages does not work correctly (fixed)4. Characters are cut on the "Simple Banner Parlax"(fixed)5.  Parallax works not correctly in Safari.(fixed)6. Testimonials section (fixed)7. No smooth-scroll (fixed)8. When you click on "Load More Projects" nothing happend (fixed)9. Footer icons (fixed)

Bodo August 15 2015

1) Menu on responsive (fixed)2) Custom text in Footer (Theme settings) is not changing (fixed)3) Menu button in Safari has only 1 line and hover effect is not working (fixed)4) Pricing table shortcode: if you try to change price (when is selected Light Block style) - content is displaying not correc. (fixed)

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