Micra - Responsive Multipurpose OpenCart Theme

Micra - Responsive Multipurpose OpenCart Theme

Micra is a responsive OpenCart theme which is fully customizable and suitable for any kind of OpenCart store on any device. This responsive theme is a general purpose responsive theme which can be highly customized and tailored for any heavy OpenCart store.

We are using Override Engine for building our latest themes for latest OpenCart version. You can download the override engine from – http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension/info&extension_id=8588 Before installing the theme you must need to install the OpenCart version specific Override Engine.

For more details regarding theme installation please checkout the theme installation video -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jojlIpljuew&feature=em-upload_owner

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Fanatic SupportLayout100% Responsive DesignUnlimited Fonts, ColorsMultilanguage SupportAwesomeFontAdmin

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