Korra - Clean and Modern Bootstrap Template

Korra - Clean and Modern Bootstrap Template

Description :

Korra is multi purpose HTML 5 template with 6 selection template categories and fully responsive. This template is very easy to customize with great code structure and you can build whatever you like with this template.

It is very simple, very clean and Professional. Korra comes with 6 index variant, working contact form, awesome mega menu, Youtube video API, 479 Font Awesome 4.2.0, 10 color options, EXTRA Shop page and pricing table. We planned to updated with more versions! Don’t Miss it.

This theme is built upon bootstrap framework and is fully responsive. It adapts to window resolution and looks good on all devices including ipad and iphone. See for yourself (resize your browser). If you would like to read more about bootstrap framework click here : Bootstrap Documentation


Features :

  1. Fully responsive
  2. Support modern browser
  3. 6 different templates
  4. 10 color options
  5. Mega menu
  6. Youtube video API
  7. PSD file included
  8. 479 Font Awesome 4.2.0
  9. Using bootstarp v3.3.4
  10. Working contact form
  11. EXTRA shop page
  12. Documentations

HTML page :

  1. index.html
  2. index-app.html
  3. index-photography.html
  4. index-misic.html
  5. index-travel.html
  6. index-freelancer.html
  7. about.html
  8. blog-leftsidebar.html
  9. blog-rightsidebar.html
  10. blog-masonry.html
  11. blog-masonry-rightsidebar.html
  12. singlepost-leftsidebar.html
  13. singlepost-rightsidebar.html
  14. portfolio-alt1.html
  15. portfolio-alt2.html
  16. portfolio-alt3.html
  17. portfolio-alt4.html
  18. portfolio-detail.html
  19. services.html
  20. shop.html
  21. shopping-cart.html
  22. shopping-detail.html
  23. pricingtable.html
  24. contact.html

Still need anything else? Please give any suggestion and we’ll consider to add them on next updates! stay tuned

Update history

- 11 july 2015 Fix navigation menu in chrome and safari- 11 july 2015 Fix maronry grid in safari- 30 june 2015 Initial Release

Credit :

Icons :

  1. Fontawesome Fontawesome

Image :

  1. Images from : picjumbo
  2. shopping image from : garagecloth.com

Remember : Images not included in download package.