The theme is designed for Photographer, The design is clean and easy to use, just like you can change the color easily by color picker. Don’t require any professional knowledge, just spend 2 mins to read the documentation and you will know how to do.
Slideshow Page Template
Gallery(7 styles) Page Template
About Page Template
Team Page Template
Contact Page
Fullscreen background
Background Music Player
AJAX Driven
Please remove the frame if you are using mobile or tablet to preview, otherwise the layout may be broken.

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V1.24[2015/11/23]:Add new customize options:1. add an option for showing or hiding search button;2. add an option for showing or hiding login button.node: this update is not very necessary if you don't want to hide search button or login button.
Add new features and bug fixed:1. add keyboard control to Gallery Template(left arrow: previous, right arrow: next, esc:close);2. store the music state(mute/unmute) using localStorage;3. fix icon bug that it's color is always black when opened with the lastest chrome browser(32bit)
V1.22 [2015/10/12]:
Bugs fixed:1. fix a bug of Slideshow page when opened with safari browser.If you have modified the js codes, you should not replace the theme directly because this will cover your codes, please contact me.
V1.21 [2015/7/23]:
Bugs fixed:1. fix the layout problem of contact status box;2. fix a bug that the layout is broken when opened with UC mobile browser.
V1.20 [2015/07/13]:
1. add 2 custom widgets: Photo Grid, Recent Photos;2. add a new menu: Top Menu;3. redesign 404 page;4. redesign Nothing Found page;5. fix a bug of going to wrong page after clicking on a post date from single page.Note: I have added some options to Gallery page, so if you were using older version then update to this version, you should edit each Gallery page and click ‘Update’ again, maybe you also need to change color and opacity.
V1.10 [2015/07/02]:
1. Add 2 gallery-style Templates;2. Fix some little bugs;
V1.01 [2015/06/29]:
1. Fix some little bugs;2. Re-style Home Page;3. Re-style Tag Cloud;How to update:
download the file again, extract it, then replace the old.