Yogi - Health Beauty & Yoga WordPress Theme

Yogi - Health Beauty & Yoga WordPress Theme

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Yogi - Yoga HTML TemplateYogi Health Yoga WordPress theme

Yogi is clean and delightful theme for any event, spa, wellness, fitness and health beauty training related website.

Designed specifically for a yoga center, included 4 custom post types: class, trainer, testimonial, event and tons of shortcode and widgets, its clean design and unique elements can softly enlighten up your mind just like when you sit down and practice some yoga poses. There is no limit to a niche, of course. Yogi can fit in any event, health, spa, dance class, or other beauty related website, just little work needed and imaginative you.

Extended for yoga, empowered by HealCode, Yogi is compatible with MINDBODY, the popular yoga online app for class online registration and payment. You are able to get class list, schedule, pricing and redirect your visitor to check out on MINDBODY website. Additionally, you have another option to create membership package and direct payment on site using Woo Commerce.

Easy installation. Drag and drop page builder. Revolution Slider built in. Woo Commerce online shop ready. Yogi will please you with all versatile theme option when building your next website.

Click below images for 2 different Yogi demo version:

Yogi Health Yoga WordPress themeYogi Health Yoga WordPress theme

Yogi – Health & Yoga WordPress Theme Features

Yogi Health Yoga WordPress theme

Words from our beloved customers

Yogi Health Yoga WordPress themeYogi Health Yoga WordPress themeYogi Health Yoga WordPress themeYogi Health Yoga WordPress themeYogi Health Yoga WordPress themeYogi Health Yoga WordPress themeYogi Health Yoga WordPress theme

Yogi Full Feature List

  • 2 Home Variations

    Yogi appears in 2 home variations. Both are clean and delightful as it should be for yoga, fitness and other health and beauty related website.

    1. Home Minimal
    2. Home Classic
  • Mobile Ultra Responsive

    It is important to bring your visitors an accessible website on small devices so that they can still read through and take action like registering for membership online. Every elements of Yogi are sharp and clean on any high resolution device and responsive on mobile and tablet.

  • Realtime Theme Customizer

    As used consistently in all NooTheme WP themes, our Customizer works as the default WordPress customizer but integrated with all theme options. All changes can be preview on real site live preview but just be applied for your public website since you click save.

  • 2 Menu Positions Enabled

    Beside the classic sticky top menu, Yogi has the option to make the menu float in center of first slide vertically and smoothly sticky to top after your scroll.

  • 4 Custom Post Types

    Yogi comes with these 4 custom post types below:

    1. Class: You can add as many classes as you want with corresponding timetable and trainer.
    2. Event: Event can be shown with event schedule and location, contact on map.
    3. Testimonial: Testimonials are so important for any health beauty and yoga website. Input testimonials and get them displayed on any pages using testimonial shortcode.
    4. Trainer: Add trainers or instructors to show their profile and classes.
  • Responsive Class Schedule

    All classes will be shown visually in timetable week by week and filtered by category as well so that your class members can follow the schedule.

  • Class Filter

    Class list can be easily filtered by category, trainer, level or week days.

  • Membership Package

    Yogi allows you to create as many online membership package as you wish and set the featured one using Woo Commerce. You are able to manage the order and member name from dashboard and export order to csv file.

  • Widgets

    Yogi includes 4 custom widgets to use for footer and sidebar:

    • Noo Event
    • Noo Class
    • Noo Class Category
    • Class Slider
  • Shortcodes

    Most pages in our demo was built using shortcodes. Included in the theme number of premade shortcodes will enable you to build your site fluidly.

  • MINDBODY Integrated Powered by HealCode

    MINDBODY is the popular yoga online app. Be the only theme have MINDBODY compatible, Yogi allows you to get content and redirect users to check out on MINDBODY page with HealCode plugin integrated. Check out our MINDBODY demo here

  • Woo Commerce Compatible

    You have the option to create online shop with Yogi using Woo Commerce, the popular free eCommerce plugin. Make your awesome online store in minutes.

  • Visual Composer Drag and Drop Page Builder Built In

    Yogi saves you $33 for the popular drag and drop page builder. Integrated within the theme, it will help you build all pages at ease.

  • Powerful Revolution Slider Built In

    Yogi saves you $18 for the beautiful slider plugin. Integrated within the theme, it will help you to build sliders with multiple animation choices and intuitive interface.

  • Translation Ready

    Yogi supports translation using WPML or POEdit. Follow our documentation to easily translate your website.

  • Unlimited color and Google Font

    Yogi is super flexible about color and font. It is up to you to pick your favorite color scheme and text font for your website.

  • Extensive Documentation

    We included in theme package dedicated document file to guide you step by step installing and customizing the theme. You also can find the detailed online guide on our support center here

  • Regular Update

    We keep updating the theme regularly with more addon features and minor bug fixed. Just one time payment, you will get the update lifetime for free

  • Top Notch Support

    In addition to dedicated documentation, the very developers of Yogi will support you. We are happy to support you to build your amazing website.

Change log

2.3.6 | 15th April 2016 |    - [UPDATE] Update Visual Composer to the latest version,    - [UPDATE] Update Slider Revolution to the latest version    - [UPDATE] Add support for WordPress 4.5    - [FIX] Fix bug menu item of Custom Post type ( Class, Event ) archive pages don't switch to active state.
2.3.5 | 2nd April 2016 |    - [UPDATE] Update Visual Composer to the latest version, 4.11.1    - [UPDATE] Update Slider Revolution to the latest version 5.2.4    - [UPDATE] Remove native support for MailChimp. Use plugin MailChimp for WordPress instead    - [FIX] Fix bug no new user notification.    - [FIX] Fix bug can't sort Membership Package products.    - [FIX] Fix bug can't show event by multiple categories or locations.
2.3.0 | 14th March 2016 |    - [UPDATE] Update Visual Composer to the latest version, 4.11.    - [UPDATE] Update Slider Revolution to the latest version 5.2.2    - [ADD] Add option to order by default for Trainer shortcode.    - [FIX] Fix shortcode Video slider: enable video playing when there's no featured image.    - [FIX] Update some jQuery plugins that cause trojan warning with some security software.    - [FIX] Fix some minor bugs.
2.2.0 | 25th January 2016 |    - [ADD] Add MailChimp Widget.    - [UPDATE] Improve class calendar by showing less information for small class.    - [UPDATE] Update support for WooCommerce 2.5.0    - [UPDATE] Update Visual Composer to the latest version 4.9.2    - [UPDATE] Update Slider Revolution to the latest version 5.1.6    - [UPDATE] Remove RTL option and use the default method of WordPress.    - [FIX] Fix some minor bugs.
2.1.2 | 8th January 2016 |    - [ADD] Add phone field for trainer.    - [FIX] Fix some minor bugs.
2.1.1 | 24th December 2015 |    - [UPDATE] Improve compatibility with caching plugins over login/register function.    - [UPDATE] Update Slider Revolution to the latest version 5.1.5    - [FIX]: Fix fatal error on sites without WooCommerce.    - [FIX]: Fix bug can't login with /wp-login.php link.
2.1.0 | 16th December 2015 |    - [ADD]: New option in Customizer for controlling what meta values are displayed in Class list. You can show/hide Date, Trainer and Address.    - [UPDATE]: Update Visual Composer to the latest version 4.9        - [UPDATE]: Update date format for the detailed timetable of classes.    - [UPDATE]: Update icon in mobile when don't use User menu.    - [UPDATE]: Improve the style of class schedule in mobile.    - [FIX]: Fix bug class shortcodes don't display trainer.    - [FIX]: Fix bug can't select trainer in class shortcodes    - [FIX]: Fix bug address doesn't show.    - [FIX]: Fix bug for site with PHP older than 5.3
2.0.0 | 8th December 2015 |    - [ADD]: New Monthly schedule    - [ADD]: New Coming class shortcode    - [ADD]: New Advanced schedule settings for classes. You can set up more than one class per day.    - [ADD] Add function to auto import demo content. With one click, you can import demo data and settings necessary for running your site.    - [FIX]: Fix some style issues with RTL sites.    - [FIX]: Other minor bugs fixed.
1.4.3 | 25th November 2015 |    - [FIX]: Fix warning message on new websites.
1.4.2 | 13th November 2015 |    - [ADD]: Add option to order classes by next day.    - [UPDATE]: Update Visual Composer to the latest version 4.8.1    - [FIX]: Fix bug can't use the forgot password form.    - [FIX]: Fix bug can't use the forgot password form.    - [FIX]: Fix bug inner columns don't responsive.    - [FIX]: Fix bug missing symbol in Pricing Column shortcode.
1.4.1 | 27th October 2015 |    - [UPDATE]: Update Visual Composer to the latest version 4.8    - [UPDATE]: Update Revolution Slider to the latest version 5.1    - [FIX]: Fix bug classes are misplacing on the timetable.
1.4.0 | 16th October 2015 |    - [ADD]: Add RTL support.    - [UPDATE]: Update Class Schedule shortcode, add ability to hide some hours in timeline.    - [UPDATE]: Improve the date time setting of the Class, now you can create class with different open time and end time per weekday.    - [FIX]: Fixed some problem with Firefox.    - [FIX]: Fix bug get wrong Category in Related Class ( single class page ).    - [FIX]: Fix other small issue.
1.3.6 | 4th October 2015 |    - [UPDATE]: Make Class filter recognize Start day of week setting.    - [UPDATE]: Update Visual Composer to 4.7.x version.    - [FIX]: Prevent shortcode Social Sharing from echo unused content.    - [FIX]: Fixed Embed code of Video embed shortcode.    - [FIX]: Fix shortcode Testimonial.    - [UPDATE]: Add order option to Class shortcode.
1.3.5 | 9th September 2015 |    - [FIX]: Fix bug of Customizer on WordPress 4.3.    - [FIX]: Fix warning message.    - [FIX]: Add missing strings.
1.3.4 | 4th September 2015 |    - [ADD]: Add option Schedule Height to control height of the Class Schedule shortcode.    - [UPDATE]: Update options Start date and End date of Class Schedule shortcode.    - [FIX]: Fix bug Logo font doesn't get the true font family.    - [FIX]: Resolve error when don't input Start date.
1.3.3 | 31st August, 2015 |    - [FIX]: Fix bug can't load Google fonts.
1.3.2 | 27th August, 2015 |    - [FIX]: Fix bug can't change font for body and heading.
1.3.1 | 25th August, 2015 |    - [UPDATE]: Update for WordPress 4.3.    - [UPDATE]: Allow HTML content for trainer biography.    - [FIX]: Fix bug with DropCap shortcode.
1.3.0 | 12th August, 2015 |    - [ADD]: Add option to change the Theme's main logo or hide all the logo.    - [ADD]: Add Event Shortcode: display event as a list/grid.    - [ADD]: Add Many Option for Event in Customizer, you can change the order, show/hide various part of the event.    - [ADD]: Add Option to change the layout of Class listing on Customizer: you can now make fullwidth class list.    - [UPDATE]: Improve class filter script.    - [UPDATE]: Improve some style.    - [UPDATE]: Change the date of the class schedule's axis to use the same format as the Date option.    - [FIX]: Update template to mark the new WooCommerce version.    - [FIX]: Fix other small issues.
1.2.0 | 25th July, 2015 |    - [ADD]: Add Event list layout.    - [ADD]: Add option to display Next class date ( instead of just Open date ) in Customizer.    - [ADD]: Add function to auto update theme.    - [FIX]: fix small style error with navigation bar.
1.1.2 | 17th July, 2015 |    - [FIX]: Fix fatal error on PHP 5.3    - [FIX]: Fix bug class schedule can't load class on some site.
1.1.1 | 14th July, 2015 |    - [FIX]: Fix var_dump error on Class Scheduler.    - [FIX]: Fix small style issue.
1.1.0 | 13th July, 2015 |    - [ADD]: Make the video on Video Slider playable.    - [ADD]: Using Date, Time options on Settings -> General for class date and time.    - [ADD]: Add option on Customizer to on/off Logo overlay color.    - [ADD]: Add drag & drop to set location for event map setting.    - [UPDATE]: Improve event map script.    - [FIX]: Fix bug can't change Logo text.    - [FIX]: Fix bug style for Logo text doesn't work.    - [FIX]: Fix small issue with class filter.
1.0.3 | 29th June, 2015 |    - [UPDATE]: Update Visual Composer to latest version 4.5.3    - [FIX]: Fix bugs can't change the min and max time of schedule.    - [FIX]: Fix bugs display event date in listing.    - [FIX]: Fix bugs display class date in listing.    - [FIX]: Fix WPML issues.
1.0.2 | 15th June, 2015 |    - [FIX]: Fix bugs Class filter doesn't work.
1.0.1 | 4th June, 2015 |    - [FIX]: Fix bugs Class page and Event page options in Customizer don't work.    - [UPDATE]: Merge custom post type plugin with the theme, no need for an additional plugin now.    - [UPDATE]: Make sure you don't have to go to Permalink settings to reset rewrite rule anytime you change the setting on Customizer.
1.0.0:    - First stable release


All support is handled in our Support Center. We encourage you to post all your questions concerning our theme there as your questions may have already been answered or may be of help to other people that have also purchased the theme.

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