Did you get tired from monotony in the design? Are all current themes have boring layouts and worn out css effects? Do you want to surprise your clients/customers by non-standard approach and the latest webdevelopment trends? In this case you called to address. We are glad to present our product – 6 months of labour, cerebral assaults and long sleepless days and nights conducted in production of our new theme – Coolbaby Original design, non-standard elements, the best quality ever presented at the marketplace. You will be pleasantly surprised…
- Fully responsive 100%. You can enable/disable responsive mode
- Retina Ready. Optimizied images, icon font
- Html5, CSS3
- 12 predefined skins
- Revolution slider
- Unlimited colours, backgrounds, textures, fonts etc.
- Fluid grid system base on Bootstrap framework
- BLOG ready. Our theme is optimized for using FishPig extension
- Included psd and html version
- One click install based on default magento 1.9 sample data
- Catalogue mode (without prices, buy now buttons, registration etc.)
- Ajax add to cart, add to wishlist/compare, toolbar paging/sort. You can enable/disable this feature.
- Google fonts
- SEO Friendly Design and Layout Structure. Google rich snippets compatibility
- Cross browser compatibility ((Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 9 +))
- Quick view option
- Special price count down option
- Discount labels on sale products on/off
- Video tutorials – installation, customization
- Mega menu
- 2 header variants
- hidable footer
- Varnish page cache compatibility
- Custom html pages – Checout, Gallery, 404, Contact Us, Typograpgy etc.
- Premium ticket support
- Social widgets (Facebook, Twitter)
Listing page
- Image slider option for each category
- Ajax price filter
- Big/small previews
- Isotope
- Colour swatch
- Collapsed left category menu
Product page
- Inchoo Prev/Next
- 2 product layout – classic, creative
- Custom html block
- Cloudzoom
Version 1.5.2 released – March 3
FIXED:date in posts widgetFIXED:navigation 1st level touch click
Version 1.5.1 released – January 28
ADDED:cloudzoom popup option inner/outer windowADDED:responsive mode enable/disableADDED:newsletter popup bg for each storeFIXED:removed empty spaces before category titles in megamenu if they are IN 2 ROWSFIXED:product zoom with rtl modeFIXED:logo position in kids subthemeFIXED:mobile scroll on product page in small desktop
Version 1.4.5 released – November 27
FIXED:my account page loadingFIXED:colorswatches in listing after ajax reloading content ADDED:megamenu settings for all storesADDED:view full info button in quick view
Version 1.4.4 released – November 6
FIXED:registration in magento
Version 1.4.3 released – November 6
FIXED:mobile home linkFIXED:added product images for grouped productsFIXED:quick view fixedADDED:compatibility
Version 1.4.2 released – September 10
FIXED:Quick View swatch changeFIXED:home link in mobile menuand minor fixes
Version 1.4.1 released – August 14
ADDED:option show/hide tabs description, reviews, tags etc on product pageFIXED:translation in breadcrumbsFIXED:product thumbs on search pageFIXED:product image thumbnails if video absent FIXED:prev/next product in product view
Version 1.4 released – July 30
FIXED:optimizationFIXED:rtl! ADDED: color swatches implemented !!!
Version 1.3 released – July 3
FIXED:added wysiwyg for fields admin/product/custom tab and admin/product/custom htmlFIXED:newsletter block misplaced if disabled upsells and related productsFIXED:disabled second price on product pageFIXED:add this button on product page
Version 1.2 released – June 18
ADD: touch slide for 3 circle bannersADD: ability set in one store different categories in any style Classic or IsotopFIXED: popup quick view formattingFIXED: back to top now is enabledFIXED: small images with cloudzoomFIXED: translated word 'Contact Us' in contact formFIXED: minor fixes
Version 1.1 released – June 2
Added: sub-themes kids, tools, lingerie, art, bioAdded: RTL modeFIXED: newsletter popup in mobile disabledFIXED: mobile menu on product page + listing in devices + product tabs on mobile versionFIXED: cloud-zoom enabled on creative product pageFIXED: gallery listing images size and layout gallery images sizeFIXED: removed space under footer on high desktopFIXED: blink when scroll-bar scrollFIXED: sidebar bestsellers price
Images for the demo are taken from bigstockphoto.com
* Images from demo are not included in theme files.