Builder | Construction Wordpress Theme has a modern design. Also coded and builded on most popular frameworks BOOTSTRAP 3.3.4 and REDUX. Theme can implament for all construction and building companies. Amazing slider makes item more attractive and unique. As always responsive and retina ready.
Key Features
- +Wordpress 4.0.
- Visual Composor Page Builder with Drag and Drop layout – 20+ web element (Save 28$)
- Revolution Slider included (Save 18$)
- One click install demo data
- Unlimited Colors. Create your custom color scheme
- Working Contact Form 7
- Excellent Customer Support
- Video Documented
- Free Theme Support (24/7)
- Video background quote
- Image parallax quote
- With standart top menu
- Masonry grids
- Awesome Litebox
- Soft page transitions
- HTML5 – CSS3
- Bootstrap 3.3.4
- Responsive design
- Clean & Commented codelines
- Retina ready
- Simple news
- Cross browsers support
- Solid style & colors
- Multi level dropdown menu
- Perfect typography
- Google maps api
- Google fonts
- ION font icon