Booard - Corporate HTML5 Template

Booard - Corporate HTML5 Template

Booard HTML5 template can be used to build Corporate, Agency, Personal Portfolio, etc. This template has 8 homepage variants, 3 blog and portfolio styles and more pages like About, Contact, Features, and utilizes HTML5 semantics for SEO optimization. Most of animations in this templates are based on CSS3 to improve the performance of the template. Developed based on Bootstrap v3.3.4 and CSS3 with LESS.


  • 8 Homepage variants
  • Fully Responsive Layout
  • HTML5 Semantics
  • 3 Blog archive page styles
  • 3 Portfolio archive page styles
  • Blog and Portfolio Single Pages
  • Based on Twitter Bootstrap (1170px)
  • Clean design
  • Google Fonts used

Note: Images in the live preview are only for demonstration purposes, and they are not included in download pack.