Top Class is a Multipurpose WordPress Theme built with Bootstrap v3.2.0, HTML5 and CSS3 that have well-organized with valid coded Designed and Developed by Jewel Theme. TopClass is a One Page WordPress Theme and this Responsive WordPress Theme suitable for Corporate Business, Small Business, Personal Website, Blog site, Product Showcase etc. TopClass is perfect for any type of Landing Page, for example- Affiliate Product Review, Personal Product Review. This is really super when you use TopClass for promoting your niche product and will make a landing page with it. You can arrange Hair Salon and Real Estate site with this Theme also.
You can customize This Premium WordPress Theme as you need. We have added some awesome hover effects, 4 set of buttons with different size and styles. You can get full control of your site within the Theme Option Panel. There are five color variation and a color picker to select your own color for all pages like Blog page, Blog Single Page, Portfolio Page, Portfolio Details, 404 Error page and yes, of course the shortcode page.
TopClass Features :
- Slider Revolution ( Save $18 )
- WordPress 4.2.2 Ready
- A One Page and Multi Purpose WordPress Theme
- Build with BootStrap and Redux Framework
- Clean Code and Well Organized
- Shortcode Builder for custom Homepage
- Fully Responsive
- Bootstrap v3.2.0
- Google Font
- Easy to Use
- Plug and Play
- On/Off button for show/hide any section
- Easy Customization and Extendable
- W3C Validation
- Google Map
- Child Theme Added
- Compatible with rich snippets for better SEO
- Drag and Drop Sorting System for all custom Post Type
- WooCommerce Shop Page
- Modern Clean Multi-Purpose Design can be used for any type of Business
- Lifetime Free Update
Included Documentation provides you a clear & full guideline for how to use this Multipurpose WordPress Theme and off course we will provide full support. Mind that, Though TopClass is a single page WordPress theme but it is Multi Purpose Too.
TopClass is Compatible with Child Theme. Drag and Drop Sorting system of this one page WordPress theme is really user friendly. We always update TopClass WP Theme and add something new for our all clients. We always listen to our clients and try our best for their satisfaction.
If any hesitation about our product please, Feel free to ask any question or contact with us for further question or any kind of solution. Now, it’s time to dive in it for better conception. Thanks for purchasing our latest Multipurpose WordPress Theme. If any hesitation about our product please, Feel free to ask any question or contact with us for further question or any kind of solution. Now, it’s time to dive in it for better conception. Thanks for purchasing our latest Multipurpose WordPress Theme.
Client Testimonial’s
=== Changelogs===
29.03.2016--Version 1.9.0+ Update: Font Awesome Version Updated+ Tweak: Child Theme Compatibility Fixed+ Tweak: CSS Bugs fixed
03.01.2016--Version 1.8.0
+ Update: Slider Revolution Latest Version+ Tweak: Main Content ( on Blog, Single, Page) Margin Problem fixed+ Tweak: Parallax Image on Blog Section
02.10.2015--Version 1.7.0
+ Update: Slider Revolution Latest Version+ Tweak: Main Content ( on Blog, Single, Page) Margin Problem fixed+ Tweak: Parallax Image on Blog Section
29.08.2015--Version 1.6.0
+ Added: Service Icons are now supports "Font Awesome" Icons also+ Tweak: CSS Bug Fixed+ Tweak: Tested WordPress Version 4.3
03.07.2015--Version 1.5.0
+ Tweak: Updated "TGM Activation Class" + Tweak: CSS Bugs fixed. + Tweak: Updated Redux Framework
27.06.2015--Version 1.4.0
+ Added: Prettyphoto Script Updated
27.05.2015--Version 1.3.0
+ Added: Revolution Slider ( Most requested Features )+ Tweak: CSS Bugs fixed. + Tweak: Options given for both Revolution Slider or TopClass Default Slider. You can use any of those.
24.04.2015--Version 1.2.2
+ Tweak: Redux Framework updated+ Tweak: TGM Activation Class updated+ Tweak: CSS Bugs fixed. + Tweak: Data validation added.
26.02.2015--Version 1.2.1
+ Added: Child Theme Added ( Many Requested Feature)+ Tweak: Sorting Custom Post type fixed.+ Added: Documentation Menu added on Dashboard Menu+ Added: WooCommerce Shop page updated01.01.2015--Version 1.2.0
+ Added: Drag and Drop Change the sorting Order or Re-arrange all the Post Types (Service, Team, Portfolio, Pricing)+ Tweak: Functioons and few bugs fixed.
10.12.2014--Version 1.1.8
+ Added: Author Bio Section Show/Hide added+ Tweak: CSS bugs fixed.
22.11.2014--Version 1.0.7
+ Added: WooCommerce Support + Added: Service Clickable+ Added: Service Section Single + Added: Pricing Sign Up Button Color Option+ Added: Pricing Duration added "Don't Show" added. Some Clients don't wants to show the duration.+ Tweak: Footer Google Plus working Icon not showing problem+ Tweak: Blog page Footer G+ Button fixed.+ Tweak: Blog Head Breadcrumb fixed.+ Tweak: Footer Parallax Image remove option.+ Tweak: Documentation updated.+ Tweak: CSS bugs fixed.
08.11.2014--Version 1.0.6
+ Tweak: Footer Google Plus working Icon not showing problem+ Added: Service Section Link able + Added: Service Section Single26.10.2014--Version 1.0.5
+ Tweak: Shortcode line#5 error problem solved+ Tweak: __DIR__ problem solved
19.10.2014--Version 1.0.4
+ Tweak: Admin settings
14.10.2014--Version 1.0.3
+ Tweak: Updated Custom Color Selection problem solved + Tweak: Blog, Portfolio section custom color problem solved + Tweak: Menu issues fixed
13.10.2014--Version 1.0.2
+ Tweak: Updated Plugin Activation Notice Problem after activation "All Around Slider".
10.10.2014--Version 1.0.1
+ Added: In Single Post, Attractive post navigation added. + Tweak: In Global Management section, Choose own color settings problem fixed. Now you can choose your own color settings. + Tweak: Logged in Menubar position fixed. + Tweak: CSS Menu positioning issue fixed.
08.10.2014--Version 1.0.0
+ Initial Release
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