Demian - Bootstrap Portfolio Responsive Template

Demian - Bootstrap Portfolio Responsive Template

Demian – Clean & Responsive Resume Template designs, to represented more clean and elegan feel. By having a lot of features, that you can see it in the page component. And provide some type of view that includes the image version, the video version and image slider version. And it will not stop in here. You will get more options about the themes in the next update, so stay tune!!!

Please support me by giving rating StarStarStarStarStar for our theme, so I can keep updating and elaborated this item


Cool One Page Effect

Demian – Clean & Responsive Resume Template has a cool one page effect, that like never before. Namely the front page is different from the content page, which is linked to a unique transition

Multi Page

You can find multipage in Demian. You can choose according to your taste, from the background image, background video to image slider. And it will not stop in here. You will get more option about themes in next update, so stay tune

Component Page

Component page is the page that contains the assets used in this web. consists of Icon, Input and others. You can process your own template

Bootsrap 3.2.0

All the facilities available in order to accommodate all the features Demian can support with Bootstrapping.



- [+] Redesign Theme - - [+] Disable the map autoscroll - [+] Bug Issue Fixed

v1.2 – 10.11.2014

- [+] Added no padding effect option- [+] Added image slider version

v1.1 – 1.11.2014

- [+] Added video version- Minor bug fixed

v1.0 – 31.10.2014

- release


I’ve used the following jQuery plugin, Fonts, Images, Icons or other files as listed.

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