Holiday was designed and developed to be used for the business niche of hotels, motels, resorts or something similar to that. It’s main idea is to present your accommodation, your services and give the ability to your visitors to book them.THE BOOKING SYSTEM
Holiday gives your users several ways to communicate with you or your staff.1. The Internal Booking SystemThis is a method which gives you as an administrator the chance to build an advanced contact form with text fields, text areas, numbers, emails, radio buttons, chekboxes, multiple choices.This form is connected to your Rooms (custom posts), it calculated the price per day and gives a balance in the end, and a printable bill for guest which they can present to you when they arrive at your hotel.The bookings will be displayed on your WordPress back-end on a list where you can view all your bookings and contact details of your guest so you can contact them for further discussion if needed.
2. The Woo Commerce systemWe have integrated the Woo Commerce plugin into our design and styled it in a way to adapt it with the rest of the themeIn this method you can add your rooms or even other services as products on your site shop, add photos, information. In the end your guests bill be able to pay your services with different methods as credit cards, Paypal, wire transfer and you can maintain this content through the options of Woo Commerce.NOTE* The Woo Commerce plugin doesn’t come with the theme and isn’t developed by our team, so you need to download it, install it and activate it in your site.
3. The Contact FormIf you only have flexible free room dates, and you communicate with your guests only by email, you can use the simple contact form that allows you to create your own fields, has a details list and a Google map so you can show your location.You can also add your email and your number on top of the site’s header so they can easily spot them and directly contact you for further discussion.
We will consider features and extras for this theme if we have a lot of requests by different buyers.Everything that has more than 5 requests will be considered for development by our team.You can write us on the theme comment section or write us at info@umbrella.al with the subject “Holiday Feature Request”BUGS AND ERROR FIXES
We have put much effort developing this theme, but there may be bugs or errors that we did not see. If you spot something please write us on the theme comment section or write us at info@umbrella.al with the subject “Holiday Bug/Error Spotted”We will try and fix it as soon as possible.PSD FILES
To make the download file size smaller we haven’t included them on the main package. To download the psd files of this theme please go to psd.umbrella.al, insert your purchase code and you’ll be able to download the files.BRANDING & COLORS
Using the back-end theme options you can change the branding color and other colors presented on our demos to adapt it with your identity. There is an available dark skin.Change the fonts of the titles and paragraphs, also by using theme options.FEATURED LIST
- Booking System
- Back-end Booking Panel
- Back End Room Search Filter
- Ultimate Branding Options
- Woocomerce Compatibility
- WPML Compatibility
- 12 Page Templates
- Supports Post formats (Standard, Video, Audio, Image)
- Post types (Post, Rooms, Services)
- 2 Layouts for single Room post
- 4 Sidebars
- 7 Custom widgets
- Responsive Design
- Powerful Option Panel(Main Options, Header Options, Footer Options, Branding Options)
- 500+ Google Fonts
- Font Awesome
- Child Theme Ready
- PSD files included
- Translation Ready (.mo and .po files included)
- Video Support on all sliders (Youtube, Vimeo, Self-hosted)
- Including search page, archive page, category page and 404 page
- Short-code Generator (Build Short-codes easily using our UI)
- Build with Bootstrap 3, masonry, animate.css, jQuary mCustom scrollbar, Royal-slider etc.
Holiday Log
1.2.1 14.04.2016 Compatibility: WP 4.5 Compatibility added Fix: Compatibility issues on widgets Improvement: Single Room Layout on mobile Fix: Attribute tables on mobile Fix: Home box on small height (mac book air) Fix: Booking email bug fix Fix: Menu template filter Fix: Blog layout without image fix1.2.0 13.01.2016 Date availability for room posts added Masonry layout fix on mobile Firefox Single room (small slider) arrow fix Single room (large slider) Firefox layout fix Single room mobile book now button fix1.0.3 17.11.2014 Room widget fix1.0.2 11.11.2014 Single room expand slider fix Youtube thimbnail changed to HD quality1.0.1 05.11.2014 Contact form 7 compatibility fixes1.0.0 13.10.2014 Holiday Theme Release