DirectoryS - Listing WordPress Theme

DirectoryS - Listing WordPress Theme



Version 2.0.0 19 May 2015      ~ADDED: Front-End Listings Admin      ~ADDED: Reviews moderation      ~ADDED: 'Recent Sites' widget      ~ADDED: Map preloader      ~ADDED: option to choose the page where to redirect user after logout      ~IMPROVED: The number of the ratings terms is now dynamic      ~IMPROVED: Overall website speed      ~FIXED: Fallback thumbnail don't show in archives, 'best sites' shortcode and marker info window      ~FIXED: Items count information, in search page, doesn't display correctly if the items per page value is changed      ~FIXED: Map distance bar don't work when the map is not showing up      ~FIXED: Map visual bug if one of the categories used for one of the sites don't have an icon generated.      ~FIXED: Reviews are not ordered properly on single listing page      ~FIXED: Minor visual bugs      ~FIXED: Listings filtering in search page doesn't work properlyVersion 1.2.1:  20 January 2015      ~FIXED: Errors for new installs of the themeVersion 1.2.0 : 7 January 2015      ~ ADDED: The possibility to use sandbox API from PayPal      ~ ADDED: The possibility to choose what features your users can use when they create their listings      ~ ADDED: Option to change kilometers in miles for geolocation radius      ~ ADDED: Image Holder for listings that don't have a featured image      ~ ADDED: Listings category URL generator in "Icon Content" shortcode      ~ ADDED: Listings duplicates check(title and coordinates)      ~ ADDED: Show stars for each rating in listings (Stars are are not showing for the old ratings)      ~ FIXED: The pagination of the "Recent Places" shortcode is not working on homepage      ~ FIXED: New Users cannot upload/use images      ~ FIXED: Users role is now displayed properly in admin users page      ~ FIXED: Payment currency is not displayed correctly in front-end (now you have to set it manually)      ~ FIXED: "Latest Posts" widget visual bug when the title is longer than one line      ~ FIXED: Partners links are not disabled when there is no link      ~ FIXED: "Blog" shortcode filtering problem      ~ FIXED: Custom excerpt don't work for listings(used when you create your listings content with the page builder"       ~ FIXED: Listings contact icons generation bug      ~ FIXED: Not all fonts are changing when they are changed from typography optionVersion 1.1.2 : 18 November 2014      ~ FIXED: Some minor bugsVersion 1.1.1 : 31 October 2014      ~ ADDED: Option to set map default zoom      ~ IMPROVED: Contact fields can have links as their value      ~ FIXED: Registered users can see "Submit for Review" after their account expired      ~ FIXED: Some words are not translatable ("Comments are not allowed", "Search" for listings, "No ratings yet", "By", "Rating", "Date")      ~ FIXED: "Text" shortcode lose text formatting when edited      ~ FIXED: Shortcodes children lose their close button after post save      ~ FIXED: Dividers have green color even when their color theme is changed      ~ FIXED: In some cases, the page sidebar cannot be changed      ~ FIXED: Option "Pinned header" don't work      ~ FIXED: Map markers don't always show when geolocation is active      ~ FIXED: Minor visual bugsVersion 1.1.0 : 21 October 2014      ~ ADDED: Listings custom fields      ~ ADDED: Option to change listings name in permalinks      ~ ADDED: Possibility to show just the "map" or just the "listings filter bar"       ~ ADDED: Video and gallery format to listings      ~ ADDED: Contact Form 7 to "Contact Form" shortcode      ~ IMPROVED: Heading tags are used properly (SEO)      ~ IMPROVED: "Best Sites" shortcode can now show properly more than 4 items      ~ IMPROVED: Posts now have their date displayed      ~ FIXED: Listings search don't filter map markers properly      ~ FIXED: "Login Form" shortcode don't work      ~ FIXED: Ratings details are displayed even when ratings are turned off for listings      ~ FIXED: Posts date displayed in widgets is not correct      ~ FIXED: Minor visual bugs      ~ FIXED: Some words are not translatableVersion 1.0.2 : 16 October 2014      ~ ADDED: Option to use/not use geolocation feature      ~ ADDED: Option to always have geolocation active      ~ ADDED: Option to display map in different pages (e.g. archive, search, 404 etc)      ~ IMPROVED: Page Builder interface visual improvements      ~ IMPROVED: Listings categories and locations have a scroll bar if they are many.      ~ IMPROVED: "Best Sites" shortcode have an option to display only featured listings      ~ IMPROVED: "Best Sites" shortcode can filter listings by category and location      ~ IMPROVED: Listings pages now have a marker that shows their location on their maps      ~ FIXED: Register forms don't give package information if there is only one package created.      ~ FIXED: Users cannot register from "Login/Register Form" widget.      ~ FIXED: Header top bar don't hide when you choose to not display it from options.Version 1.0.1 : 10 October 2014      ~ IMPROVED: google map UI improvements      ~ IMPROVED: google map markers cluster together when they are too close to each other      ~ FIXED: minor visual bugs      ~ FIXED: Listings contact fields not saving icon      ~ FIXED: Some words from localization files are missing      ~ FIXED: Admin shortcodes window opens without any contentVersion 1.0.0 : 05 October 2014      ~ Initial release 

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