Car Dealer | Automotive Responsive WordPress Theme

Car Dealer | Automotive Responsive WordPress Theme

Car Dealer / Auto Dealer / Automotive WordPress Theme best suits for car dealership or automotive companies that buy / sell / lease their vehicles online. This automotive wp theme connects both dealers (even if its independent car owner) and customers who are willing to buy a vehicle.

CarDealer WP theme Description

We can not imagine our life without move, it is even impossible!
We make a move mostly every second, every minute…always.
We can not imagine our life without drive!
This idea brings to your attention a new child of ThemeMakers activity and productivity – Car Dealership / Automotive WordPress theme.

You are searching an idea for earning money or for business? Car dealership / automotive WprdPress Theme helps you to get into right direction.
The greatest solution to buy or sell any type of vehicle is in your hands!
We made everything possible and impossible to give the life to this masterpiece of functionality, and great looking design.

This premium wordpress theme can be used on any level of automotive business starting from huge car dealer companies and for guys who want to sell their own cars. Every user who enters the website can create his/her own account with his/her personal information, contact details and post there lots of different cars to sell. Everyone can feel how to be a car dealer!

Theme Features:

Every user would be able to have his/her personal cabinet and reach it with no long logging in to admin panel. It would be enough simply enter your Username and Password from frontend in special sliding Log In panel and edit your personal info the way you need.

Great opportunity to add watermarks to all car images on the website to identify ownership of the copyright on these images. Thus, all your website images are branded by your own website watermark logo

Getting the theme you will get the database of all vehicle makes and models. We have attached it for your convenience and you can also manage it via WP admin panel by deleting, editing and adding more. Moreover the database of locations for countries and cities is added to serve your need to choose and specify the exact location of region you live.

Our goal is to design and develop the product which best serves the clients and responses to their needs, which helped us to implement the Loan Calculator to be always close to your hands and eyes in case you need to calculate the cost of the items you like to loan.

There is special option for cars which were sold to check them with Sold label and for those cars which are featured to be marked as Featured.

One of the main feature which should be admitted is that we created the strongest <strong>Search system</strong> here. Extended and flexible Search Car widget will guide your visitors and dealshunters over all the website, it definitely helps to find the best suitable car. The search panel has different options for easy and convenient search of a particular car through the whole website. You can choose to look for a car by year, make, model, by locations, and even by mileage quantity.

Its so hard to choose from huge quantity of the cars presented. That's why we have implemented Cars Compare option. From the whole list of cars you can choose specific cars to be compared and on the compare page you would be able to review all options of these particular vehicles which going to help choosing the right one. All visitors will have an option to add cars they like to the Watch List which allows them to keep an eye on these advertising and check weather it was sold or follow up on it.

It takes some much time to look for the specific car through the whole list of cars on the website. In order to save time of your future customers we have added the ability to filter all cars by the year or first registration, price, publishing date and mileage which helps you to find the newest cars added and as result you make a best deal. It's also possible to change the view for car listing page whether to grid or list view.

Car Options Editor

Even identical cars have different additional options that were selected upon the purchasing this vehicle therefore the car price may vary. And to get these cars filtered properly we have implemented the Car options editor which allows you to manage cars additional options and as the result it will help your customers to find the car they’re looking with the specific options.

We think about all our customers worldwide and In order to make the theme usable in any part of the world we have made it compatible with the WPML plugin which is the best plugin for translation and allows adding multilingual features.

Dealer type builder/Account Manager

The theme has an ability to allow random visitors to create an accounts on your website and as manager are on charge of their accounts and you can manage the amount cars they post, the server space for images, etc, moreover you can create different account plans to allow these visitors to upgrade their accounts for posting more cars by purchasing the account upgrade on your website and in addition you can sell them featured car bundles for setting vehicles as featured which will push their cars to the the top in the search results.

As one of the great features you get with this theme is the ability to sell the account upgrades on your website and while implementing this feature we were seeking for great and most protected payment method and consequently we have stocked our theme with the in built PayPal Module which allows you to track all payments made on your website. All created account upgrades will be combined into generated pricing tables so clients would be able to review all available options and choose the most suitable one. Also the PayPal buttons will be assigned to your Paypal account so all payments will get right into it.

In addition to all awesome theme functions you get such smart tool as inbuilt currency converter. The theme was developed for usage in any part of the world and most of you would have foreign customers and you don’t need to add all cars with all currencies, you just post cars with your local currency and this tool takes care of the rest  it will save your time and help your visitors to convert currency in few seconds without leaving your website!

Theme Styling Options.

Thinking about getting unique website and getting it matched your business logo and corporate colors? Our theme has a great feature for it Theme Styling Options Panel. You can easily customize your website color scheme in few clicks with the help of Theme Styling Options editor. All theme elements could be changed to match your requirements.

Two possible News page Views.

You could involve more customers to your website by posting latest news of the car industry. We understand the importance of blogging and that’s why we have added 2 different News listing pages so you can choose the one that suits your needs.

We created 22 widgets for the CarDealer’s for first release!

CarDealer WP theme includes 22 widgets for many different needs: Banner widget to show up ads, Contact form to place message box to be in touch, Featured Cars to display featured cars, Google Map to show the location of the dealer and many others.

SEO readiness!

Please note that our theme is SEO ready and originally includes all SEO service in it. So you do not need to install any additional plugins and waste time to make them compatible with the theme.

All cars are different and some of them have specific features or elements which are very unique or individual. To specify these features we developed great tool to construct the additional categories and fields to highlight such things.

Attention! No longer need to export/import .xml files, no more trivial round to install demo content, no more mess and fails. The fat feature of CarDealer WP theme is Demo content installation in few clicks.
If you like this theme a lot, if it totally fits your corporate design, then you definitely would need to structure your own website layout and content exactly as demo version shows. Few clicks – full website content: pages, posts, shortcode elements, slider.
*all purchased images are watermarked

Check it right now!


Images, purchased from photodune:

RELEASE 1.0.0 (October 24, 2014)* initial release
RELEASE 1.0.1 (November 12, 2014)* Theme Documentation update* Loan calculator update (every dealer is able to set own rate)* Car Search Widget update (ability to turn off location items)* Mobile navigation update* Theme Icons update* Submit Car page design improvements (all steps)* added labels (sold/featured) to widgets* Contact and Social widgets update* Added new widget "Extended Car Widget" * Recent Posts Widget Update* Minor Backend and Frontend bug fixes
RELEASE 1.0.2 (February 3, 2015)* WP 4.1 compatibility update* performance update (optimized js/css files), so the website loads 2x times faster!* paypal pluging update* single car page gallery script update* new shortcode "dealers" * updated car makes shortcode with their logos (.svg format)* improved image upload script* updated admin car list view with sorting cars by dealer name* updated car options page with opportunity to add/edit/remove transmission type, fuel type, car body, interior/exterior colors, currency* enabled login/register form on mobile devices* minor other updates
RELEASE (February 21, 2015)* Quick fix for adding and displaying car options* Quick fix for dealer page URL* Quick fix for localisation issue with car's images uploading messages* Added opportunity to set the main image while creating new ad
RELEASE (March 16, 2015)* Major localisation update* Paypal Checkout plugin update* Shortcodes Plugin update* Minor theme issues update
RELEASE (April 02, 2015)* Improved Page Title issue* Improved Common Theme Installation Issue* Updated theme with plugin version watcher feature* Minor theme fixes
RELEASE (April 28, 2015)* Localisation fixes for advanced car options* Fixed car url generating when adding new car* Added Dealer RSS button on single car to BIO box* Fixed truncating text for multibyte encodings* Fixed pagination and Cars filter widget on dealers page* Data validation fix in posting comments
RELEASE 1.0.3 (July 04, 2015)* Added 2 more view modes (3, 4, 6 columns)* Added Custom titling option* Added Search Car Shortcode* Added Slider Shortcode* Added few more page layouts* Update to Currency converter* Update to PayPal plugin (support for currencies)* Update to option for positioning currency symbol* Update to Facebook share option* Update to Email notifications* Help file update* Minor updates/fixes according to customer's requests
RELEASE (July 20, 2015)* PayPal plugin minor update* Responsive layout minor update* Couple minor updates based on customer requests
RELEASE (August 26, 2015)* WP 4.3 support* updated with email notifications* Couple minor updates based on customer requests
RELEASE 1.0.4 (October 4, 2015)* OneClick Demo Install major update* Added WooCommerce Plugin Compatibility* Theme Localisation Update* Theme Performance Update* Facebook Widget Update* My Profile widget update*. Minor theme fixes/updates due to customers requests
= RELEASE 1.0.5 (October 12, 2015) =* Added Parallax Effect for content sections* Added Opportunity to create Wide Layouts for content sections* Minor Improvements in email settings* Added Cars Labels to User Cars page* Added Boxed Theme Layout* Theme and Plugins Localisation update* Minor updates/fixes due to customers requests
= RELEASE 1.0.6 (October 24, 2015) =* added custom "lost password" page* improved locations import* localization fixes* fixed issue with assigning draft status to cars* tweaks for displaying small images on car listing* tweaks for displaying dealers file space* tweaks for slider groups* readme file update* minor updates/fixes due to customers requests
= RELEASE 1.0.7 (October 31, 2015) =* added an option to set a car price thousand separator* fixed sorting options on car listing* fixed issue with the logo watermark
= RELEASE 1.0.8 (November 8, 2015) =* updated: edit car page view* added: alternate site header* added: sticky navigation bar option* updated: woocommerce elements view* updated: mobile navigation* tweaks for engine size appearance* tweaks for car counter widget* fixed the advanced options saving while adding a new car* fixed cropping images for blog/news pages* js scripts optimization* localization fixes
= RELEASE 1.0.9 (November 15, 2015) =* added: Breadcrumbs* added: LayerSlider* added: Services shortcode* added: Custom Page Header* updated: car search, video, title, quotes, button, divider and pricing tables shortcodes* updated: page subtitles* updated: cleanup font icons* fixed: car search shortcode* fixed: dealer page pagination* fixed: displaying post gallery items in admin* fixed: localization support
= RELEASE 1.1.0 (November 23, 2015) =* added: Possibility to add self hosted video to video posts* added: Breadcrumbs* added: Animated custom banner shortcode* added: Page header bar* added: Footer columns number option* updated: Backend Framework* updated: Image shortcode* fixed: Boxed layout issue* fixed: Pagination on car listing and blog pages, when one of them set as front page* fixed: Google map widget* fixed: Verifying data in contact form
= RELEASE 1.1.1 (November 30, 2015) =* added: search by car body widget* added: recent news carousel shortcode* tweaked: email messages default texts* tweaked: breadcrumbs on search page* fixed: broken menu and widgets after child theme activated* fixed: list and grid view dependancy on car listing* fixed: slider group images displaying
= RELEASE 1.1.2 (December 7, 2015) =* added: car body shortcode* added: options for administrator to approve added cars* updated: car logo shortcode (added more flexibility)* fixed: sticky navigation for IE browsers* fixed: minor IE compatibility issues
= RELEASE 1.1.3 (December 12, 2015) =* added: print button to car single page* added: feature setting price as negotiable* updated: compatibility issue with WP 4.4* updated: section content for content composer with opportunity to set content above main content area* fixed: issue with displaying required server settings in Theme Options for demo installation* fixed: text domain issue* fixed: pagination issue on car listing page* fixed: taxonomy permissions issue caused by WP 4.4
= RELEASE 1.1.4 (January 04, 2016) =* added: option to choose a type of checkout flow (paypal plugin)* fixed: deleting cars after filtering* fixed: uploading car images (multilingual issue)* fixed: ajax request failing (multilingual issue)* fixed: printing issue, when the image is splitted on two pages
= RELEASE 1.1.5 (January 18, 2016) =* updated: mobile navigation* fixed: remove duplicated car producers menu link in admin area* fixed: slider responsive view* fixed: advanced car options tabs displayed with no options* fixed: errors upon adding new car* tweaked: sanitizing car post excerpts* updated: image uploader in post gallery and slider groups
= RELEASE 1.1.6 (February 1, 2016) =* updated: update WooCommerce v2.5 compatibility* updated: theme performance optimisation* updated: sticky menu on mobiles* fixed: car search widget columns
= RELEASE 1.1.7 (February 29, 2016) =* added: RTL support* fixed: car listing page issue* fixed: staff page spinners* fixed: sticky menu and responsiveness* updated: content-product_cat template (woocommerce v2.5.2 compatibility)* tweaked: negotiable price (price excluded from the required fields list)
= RELEASE 1.1.8 (March 14, 2016) =* updated: full google fonts list added to fonts selectors in theme and Content Composer* updated: twitterFetcher script* updated: woocommerce plugin update up to version 2.5.5
= RELEASE 1.1.9 (April 4, 2016) =* added: ability to manage the car condition list* fixed: advanced car options multilingual issue* fixed: resetting password issue* fixed: counter on the car body shortcode* tweaked: theme options saving* tweaked: sending emails* tweaked: user roles deleting* tweaked: engine size appearance
= RELEASE 1.1.10 (April 16, 2016) =* updated: RTL support* updated: WP 4.5 compatibility* tweaked: localization for mileage and engine size units* fixed: conditions list in search widget* fixed: compare listing issue* fixed: car listing layout adjustments
= RELEASE 1.1.11 (April 29, 2016) =* updated: email notifications, RTL support* fixed: issue with compare list* fixed: issue with watermarks for jpeg file types* fixed: issue with car listing page when the car image has nonstandard proportions* fixed: issue with car title appearance* fixed: issue with opening featured cars on mobiles

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