Apicona - Health & Medical WordPress Theme

Apicona - Health & Medical WordPress Theme

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Apicona WordPress Theme
Apicona WordPress Theme
Apicona WordPress Theme
Apicona WordPress Theme

Apicona Features

  • One Click demo content import
  • W3C validated code output
  • Favicon support for iPhone, iPod, Android, Google TV etc.
  • Drag-n-drop page builder (Visual Composer plugin included)
  • [NEW] bbPress support added.
  • 3 Header styles
  • Unlimited skin color for all elements via color picker
  • 15+ page loader animations (GIF). Also upload your own animation too.
  • 4 layout styles
  • 9 super-smooth page transaction effects based on HTML5 CSS3
  • 3 options for page scrolling effects
  • 10 post formats
  • 100+ options for theme customization
  • SEO Friendly
  • Unlimited Layout Possibilities
  • Revolution Slider
  • WPML supported / Translation Ready
  • Mega Menu support via “Max Mega Menu” plugin
  • WooCommerce Supported
  • 600+ Google Fonts for body, logo, menu, submenu, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 and widget title
  • Color picker for Global color by using color picker
  • Unlimited background color selector for header, topbar, footer, bottom-footer
  • 100+ options for Theme Options
  • Sidebar Manager – Sidebar to the left, the right, or a fullwidth page or post! (global or page/post specific) and also unlimited sidebar too.
  • Custom widgets:
    Kwayy Contact Widget
    Kwayy Flickr Widget
    Kwayy Recent Posts Widget
  • Google analytics – Easily adding Google analytics via the theme settings
  • Custom CSS and JS code
  • Integrated social sharing – Can be turned off
  • Use your own logo – text of image
  • 20+ Favicon options for all devices – iPhone bookmark, iPad bookmark, Windows 8 tile bookmark settings
  • Cross Browser Compatibility
  • Built by HTML5 and CSS3
  • Clean and Fresh style
  • Custom Blog view – Classic and Boxed
  • Contact us page by Contact Form 7 (unlimited possibilities)
  • Social share option
  • Well Documented


v10.4.0 : 22nd Apr. 2016   - Added Envato Market plugin and removed Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin, cause now this plugin is deprecated.   - Visual Composer plugin update to v4.11.2.1 for WordPress 4.5 compatibility.   - Revolution Slider plugin update to v5.2.5 for WordPress 4.5 compatibility.   - Post title bug solved for Post type gallery and image.v10.3.0 : 13th Apr. 2016   - Visual Composer plugin update to v4.11.1 for WordPress 4.5 compatibility.   - Revolution Slider plugin update to v5.2.4.1 for WordPress 4.5 compatibility.   - Titlebar background "Only color" bug solved.   - Service box target blank link in Title and Button now working. Also this was effecting Page Translation effect.   - File include in PHP code now enahanced with WordPress code.   - Some design related bugs solved.v10.2.0 : 26th Feb. 2016   - Sticky header background color bug solved.v10.1.0 : 23rd Feb. 2016   - Updated "Revolution Slider" plugin to the latest version v5.1.6   - Added "VK" and "Odnoklassniki" social service icon in "Theme Options > Social Links" section.   - Updated Font Awesome icon library so now you can use latest icons.   - Shortcode [skincolor] is now working. Solved some bugs.   - Added solution to update Visual Composer plugin directly via TGMPA tool.   - Sidebar bug solved. Previously it was not working for some sections.   - Topbar bug solved for background-color and text-color and some other options.   - Mega Menu icon corrected so now you can set icons in sub-menu (in dropdown menu).v10.0.0 : 3rd Feb. 2016   - Added OVERLAY headers for all our existing header styles. See our overlay demo site here: http://apicona-overlay.thememount.com/   - Flexslider bug solved.   - WooCommerce 2.5.2 support added.v9.3.0 : 26th Jan. 2016   - Updated "Visual Composer" plugin to the latest version v4.9.2   - WooCommerce 2.5.0 support added.   - Redux Framework core files updated.   - Footer Menu - Now no link will be added in footer menu if no link is set via "Appearance > Menus" section.   - Bug solved in all RTL headers if no slider and titlebar on page selected.   - Language files updated and added some new texts.v9.2.0 : 19th Jan. 2016   - Added option to set link for featured image for blog boxes. You can set it from "Theme Options > Blog Settings" section.   - Solved bug that blocks skin color settings if PHP selected for Dynamic Style option.v9.1.0 : 18th Jan. 2016   - Solved some language translation bugs.   - Dynamic style CSS file bug solved.   - WooCommerce Product box - HTML structure changes for SEO.   - Demo data XML updated. So now you will get latest data when doing One-Click-Demo content setup.v9.0.0 : 2nd Jan. 2016   - [FEATURE] Links set in "Link" type post formats will now show proper link is Blog box.   - [FEATURE] Added skin color as option color list of some VC elements like Icon, Separator, Separator with text, Accordion, Tour, Tabs and Pageable Counters.   - [UPDATE] Visual Composer plugin updated to the latest version v4.9.1 This release has some bug fixes in the plugin.   - [UPDATE] Added option in Apicona Blog box to set links on the fetured image so user can go to single page by clicking on featured image.   - Bug solved: Some errors appears if Visual Composer is older version (older than v4.9).v8.1.0 : 22nd Dec. 2015   - Bug solved: Error was appearing in Titlebar when Events Calendar plugin is not installed.v8.0.0 : 21st Dec. 2015   - [FEATURE] Revolution Slider plugin updated to the latest version v5.1.5   - [FEATURE] Visual Composer plugin updated to the latest version v4.9   - [FEATURE] Team group page will now show image from group settings   - [FEATURE] Language files updated   - [FEATURE] Events page (calendar and list page) will now show proper title in Titlebar area   - [FEATURE] WooCommerce : out of stock product will now show "Out of stock" message   - [BUG SOLVED] Some design and content bugs solvedv7.0.0 : 4th Nov. 2015   - [FEATURE] Added carousel controls in our Visual Composer elements. So now you can contol speed, autoplay, loop etc.   - [FEATURE] introducing new search results page. Please search for "a" word on our demo site and see how it's looking now.   - [FEATURE] Introducing new design for single portfolio category view.   - [FEATURE] Added option to hide GENERATOR tag from website. Added option under "Theme Options > Advanced Settings" tab.   - [UPDATE] Updated demo data content.   - [UPDATE] Updated Redux framework and added "Redux Vendor Support" so now it will work without internet too (like on localhost or intranet).   - [BUG SOLVED] Solved some small bugs.v6.3.0 : 5th Oct. 2015   - [UPDATE] Visual Composer update (to version 4.7.4). This is security update so make sure you updated this vesrion.v6.2.0 : 25th Sep. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Removed CDN library from Redux framework (theme options library) so now all theme options will be work perfectly on localhost server (without web connection). Technically, we added "Redux Vendor Support" extension in Redux framework (theme options library)   - [BUG SOLVED] Solved a bug which break page loading if Visual Composer plugin is disabled and Servicebox element is added on page.v6.1.0 : 18th Sep. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] WooCommerce 2.4.x compatibility added.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Updated Visual Composer plugin to v4.7.1.1 This new version has so many new features and fast.   - [ENHANCEMENT] So many small changes has been done.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Now you can also translate admin section like Theme Options, Meta boxes etc.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Updated language translation files and improved it.v6.0.0 : 18th Jun. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Updated Visual Composer plugin. This new version has so many new features (but a little slow as there are so many features).   - [ENHANCEMENT] So many small changes has been done.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Updated language translation files and improved it.v5.7.0 : 30th Apr. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Updated Visual Composer plugin to solve the LINK bug. This is unofficial v4.4.5 release.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Updated Revolution Slider plugin.   - [ENHANCEMENT] updated TGM Plugin Activation library to v2.4.2. This will solve bulk install/update bug.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Added support for WooCommerce v2.3.8v5.6.0 : 24th Apr. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Visual Composer plugin updated to the latest version v4.4.4   - [FEATURE] Added option to select multiple category in Portfolio and Blog element in visual composer. Also added option to select multiple Group in Team Member, Testimonial and Client Logos element in Visual Composer. So now you can show posts from multiple categories/groups.v5.5.0 : 23rd Apr. 2015   - [SECURITY] Solved XSS vulnerability. Updated Redux Framework and TGM Plugin Activation library. We strongly recommend to update the theme.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Redux Framework updated. So now Theme Options will work even more fast and smooth.   - [ENHANCEMENT] TGM Plugin Activation library updated. So now it will show messages in new design of WordPress and also more accurately.v5.4.0 : 13rd Apr. 2015   - [FEATURE] Added widget position in Floating bar so now you can add widget in floating bar too. Also it's fluid width of how many widget you added. Example, if you add two widgets than it will show in two columns, If you add four widgets than it will show in four columns. Maximum four columns and minimum one column.   - [FEATURE] Added option to add custom code in HEAD tag, after opening BODY tag and before closing BODY tag.   - [FEATURE] Updated Redux Framework. So now Theme Options will be saved quickly with AJAX feature.   - [FEATURE] Added option to add custom CSS style at beginning of the dynamic-style.css file. So Google Font problem (extra font styles loading) can be solved.v5.3.0 : 8th Apr. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Line break now working in Footer Copyright text.   - [BUG SOLVED] Footer extra (merged) content removed. It's repeating page content in footer area.v5.2.0 : 7th Apr. 2015   - [BUG SOLVED] Child theme bug solved.v5.1.0 : 2nd Apr. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Bootstrap and other files are also converted to MIN version. So now the site will load more faster.   - [BUG SOLVED] Bug solved in blank child theme that comes with our theme.v5.0.0 : 30th Mar. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Speed booster change. dynamic-style.php is now dynamic-style.css and generated on the fly. So your site is now more faster.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Speed booster change. Generated MIN version of all CSS and JS files in our theme. Now your site will load faster than ever. This also increase Google SiteSpeed to 25% in our test.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Add option to generate MIN file in admin section directly. Also add option to load MIN or the NORMAL version of CSS/JS files.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Added option to set logo tag to H1 tag for whole site OR set H1 tag for homepage only. This is useful for SEO purpose.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Add option to change slug and title for Portfolio custom post type.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Updated Visual Composer to it's latest version.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Portfolio, Blog and Team Member image size is now manageable. So now you can set from "Theme Options > Advanced Settings" directly.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Added option under Theme Options to hide the LIKE-HEART Button.v4.6.0 : 13th Mar. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Added Five-Column and Six-Column in column option in BLOG, PORTFOLIO, CLIENT, TESTIMONIAL boxes in Visual COmposer.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Added option to show Post title instead of the BLOG title in "Titlebar".    - [ENHANCEMENT] Added more options in Header Settings section. Options are Header height, Header sticky height, Logo height, Logo sticky height.   - [ENHANCEMENT] RTL header style added. So now you can set Right logo and left menu.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Owl Carousel library updated. So now more smooth and with RTL support in Carousel too.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Added option to hide the Heart Like button from Portfolio box.v4.5.0 : 4th Mar. 2015   - [BUG SOLVED] Sidebar bug solved in single post.   - [BUG SOLVED] Button icon was not showing.   - [BUG SOLVED] Some small bugs solved.v4.4.0 : 3rd Mar. 2015   - [FEATURE] Added Emoji icons released by Twitter.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Language folder is now out of theme directory. So the update process will not remove it. The language files will be safe now. Create folder like this: "/wp-content/themes/apicona-languages/" and put all translated files in this folder.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Now you can override skin color page wise too. Just select skin color in any page and that will be applied for that page only.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Added option to show all blog posts in the Visual Composer "Blog Box" element. Also now you can select max 30 posts intead of 24 posts.   - [BUG SOLVED] Some bugs solved.v4.3.0 : 26th Feb. 2015   - [BUG SOLVED] Some language translation bug solved. Also the PO and MO files are re-generated.   - [BUG SOLVED] Solved CTA2 and Icon element design bug in Visual Composer. The bug is related to Visual COmposer pluign but we solved it by the theme's style.css file.v4.2.0 : 25th Feb. 2015   - [BUG SOLVED] The Portfolio Box in Visual Composer shows wrong categories (actually it shows Team Group list).v4.1.0 : 24th Feb. 2015   - [FEATURE] Added option to select category in Blog Box in Visual Composer element.   - [BUG SOLVED] Solved bug in Blog box.v3.9.0 : 18th Feb. 2015   - [BUG SOLVED] Post Auto-excerpt bug solved.v3.8.0 : 13th Feb. 2015   - [BUG SOLVED] Made WooCommerce v2.3 compatible. Solved all bugs.   - [BUG SOLVED] SEO problem solved. Removed extra H1 tag from single blog page.   - [BUG SOLVED] Some design bugs solved.v3.7.0 : 11th Feb. 2015   - [FEATURE] Now we added PSD layout too. Download the full package and you will get 4 PSDs in it.   - [ENHANCEMENT] "Envato WordPress Toolkit" plugin added. So now you can easily update theme (in just one click).   - [ENHANCEMENT] Document updated heavily. Now with more FAQ and with some extra description.   - [BUG SOLVED] Some design bugs solved.v3.6.0  -  4th Feb. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] The [icontext] shortcode now working. So now you can use it to show text with icon.   - [FEATURE] Added WPML language switcher option. We created new shortcode to show WPML dropdown. The shortcode is [languageswitcher] Just put it in topbar text area.   - [FEATURE] New view in Events box. Just edit the "Apicona Events Box" (in the Visual Composer) and select "Detailed View" in the "Box View" option.v3.5.0  -  3rd Feb. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Added option to change text for search form. You can edit it from "Theme Options > Header Settings" section.   - [ENHANCEMENT] Font Awesome library updated to it's latest version (v4.3). Now 680+ icons in FontAwesome.   - [BUG SOLVED] Some design bugs solved.v3.4.0  -  28th Jan. 2015   - [FEATURE] Added option to change Footer widget column structure. Just go to "Theme Options > Footer Widgets" section and select your footer structure in the "Select Footer Column layout View" option.   - [BUG SOLVED] Some design bugs solved.v3.3.0  -  24th Jan. 2015   - [FEATURE] Added Flickr and Issuu social links. So you can set it from "Theme Options > Social Links" section.   - [BUG SOLVED] Some design bugs solved.v3.2.0  -  9th Jan. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] Enhanced [icon] shortcode support. The shortcode was already added but we make it perfect now and now user can use it easily. We are going to create document for this at http://apicona.thememount.com/documentation/   - [BUG SOLVED] Some design bugs solved.v3.1.0  -  7th Jan. 2015   - [ENHANCEMENT] SEO enhanced. So now content will load before sidebars.   - [BUG SOLVED] Some design bugs solved.v3.0.0  -  23rd Dec. 2014   - [BUG SOLVED] "Theme Options" menu link removed if "GravityView" plugin activated.v2.9.0  -  23rd Dec. 2014   - [BUG SOLVED] "Visual Composer" plugin updated to latest version v4.3.5 due to a bug in it. (drag and drop not working with WordPerss 4.1)   - [BUG SOLVED] Some small design bugs solved.v2.8.0  -  17th Dec. 2014   - [BUG SOLVED] Row/Column design bug solved.v2.7.0  -  14th Dec. 2014  - [FEATURE] "The Events Calendar" plugin support added.  - [FEATURE] Added element under "Visual Composer" page builder to add events from the "The Events Calendar" plugin. The element supports columns and carousel effects too.   - [BUG SOLVED] Some small menu related bugs solved.v2.6.0  -  12th Dec. 2014  - [BUG SOLVED] Design bugs solved for Pricing Table.  - [BUG SOLVED] UL LI list style design bug solved.v2.5.0  -  11th Dec. 2014  - [FEATURE] Responsive menu breakpoint added. Now you can control responsive menu according to screen size. You can find this option under "Theme Options > Advanced Settings" section.  - [FEATURE] Added "Yelp" social service icon under "Theme Options > Social Links" section.  - [FEATURE] Pricing table added via "Easy Pricing Tables by Fatcat Apps" plugin. Just install this plugin and setup pricing table on any page.  - [FEATURE] Updated Font Awesome library (v4.2.0) so you will get more icons.  - [BUG SOLVED] Some small bugs solved in responsive menu.v2.4.0  -  10th Dec. 2014  - [BUG SOLVED] Responsive menu problem solved.v2.3.0  -  9th Dec. 2014  - [FEATURE] Added option to show/hide Search Form from the 404 page.v2.2.0  -  6th Dec. 2014  - [FEATURE] Now login page logo link will redirect to homepage instead of wordpress.org link. Also added site title as tooltip.  - [FEATURE] "Max Mega Menu" plugin settings will automatically set if it found installed. Now you don't need to do it manually.  - [FEATURE] We added some optimization in some JavaScript files so now the site load even faster.  - [UPDATED] "Revolution Slider" plugin updated to latest version (v4.6.5)  - [BUG SOLVED] Portfolio icon was wrong on Video, Audio and Slider type.  - [BUG SOLVED] Login page logo was stretched and also extra spacing below the logo.v2.1.0  -  26th Nov. 2014  - [NEW] Added Search functionality in header. You can enable it from "Theme Options > Header Settings" section.  - [BUG SOLVED] Responsive menu background color synced with main menu.v2.0.0  -  25th Nov. 2014  - Solved responsive design and other bugs.v1.9.0  -  18th Nov. 2014  - [NEW] Added option to change background image for footer widget area.  - Some small design bugs.v1.8.0  -  12th Nov. 2014  - [BUG FIXED] Login page background was not working. This is solved now.v1.7.0  -  11th Nov. 2014  - [NEW] Added option to set CSS style for login page.  - Added option to edit (or delete) "About " word from the Doctor title on their single page.  - Filter some CSS style code.v1.6.0  -  07th Nov. 2014  - [NEW] Visual Composer (drag-n-drop page builder) template added. Now you can create feature packed page in just one click.  - [NEW] YouTube and Pinterest social service links added.  - Updated slider backup files so you can import them more smoothly.v1.5.0  -  05th Nov. 2014  - [NEW] Dynamic style loading option added. Useful for WPMU users.  - Solved some design bugs.v1.4.0  -  03rd Nov. 2014  - [NEW] bbPress support added.  - Applied for WPML compatibility test. We are working with WPML (multi-language ready) team and we will be ready in next 1 or 2 weeks.  - [NEW] Added new options in admin section to change some fixed texts.  - Solved some design bugs.v1.3.0  -  22th Oct. 2014  - Solved some design bugs in footer section.  - Some options filtered.  - Set correct links in admin section.  - Update Revolution Slider to v2.6.3 (previously we were providing v2.6.0)v1.2.0  -  20th Oct. 2014  - Solved some design bugs in footer section.v1.1.0  -  18th Oct. 2014  - Corrected "Center logo between menu" header style.  - Added extra options for "Center logo between menu" header style.v 1.0.0  -  9th Oct. 2014  - Initial release

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