Embrace - Creative Corporate Wordpress Theme

Embrace - Creative Corporate Wordpress Theme

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Why choose embraceTheme promo image

Embrace is multi-purpose, powerful, responsive theme. It is equipped with endless options, tools and features, therefore highly customizable and suitable for almost any website type – from corporate to creative.

Features from crumina

Exclusive icons

We have not just created another theme, we have worked out and carefully drawn
each theme element for better usability.

Interface of visual composer

Advanced visual composer

Visual Composer – main page building tool.
Stylish and customized Visual Composer plugin integrated in the theme, with 53 incredible modules for building your pages, including new fantastic modules exclusively from Crumina. Visual composer blocksexclusive Crumina Page Slider

Embrace provides exclusive Crumina Page Slider, that includes 5 beautiful slider layouts. You can add any post type to the slider – from simple page to post formats, like gallery or video and audio post.

Crumina Page SliderSide menu

You can use additional side menu with the main menu or instead it.

Crumina Page SliderCrumina Page SliderPlease rate theme. This will create a big motivation for me to continue to update, development, improvement Embrace design in future.

Some clients Reviews:

Client reviews


Version 1.5.9., January 23, 2016-Updated Woocommerce templates--Added font size option for H1-Version 1.5.8., January 2, 2016-Added option Full-width on sinlge portfolio page--Added fixed background option in Row settings of Visual Composer--Small fixes in Recent Portfolio Carousel element--Added new feature in Portfolio Grid element allowing to link featured images to external links instead of an inner page--Small fixes in Header option panel--Added HTML support to Team Member element--Added custom logo option to sidebar panel--Fixed style.css file loading twice--Small styling fixes--Small fixes in Tabs element--Fixed menu in responsive layout--Updated Woocommerce templates-Version 1.5.6., October 7, 2015-Updated Woocommerce templates--Updated plugins bundled with the theme, including Visual Composer--Fixed options for stunning header--Fixed bug in Heading module--Fixed portfolio grid module in IE-Version 1.5., August 8, 2015-Updated plugins bundled with the theme--Added option to change menu colors on mobile devices--Added metaboxed for top panel and page parameters to page settings--Fixed menu view on IE9--Added extended description field for shop items--Added "View full project" string to translation file--Small fix in Font Manager--Small fixes in Info box module--Added "Grid+Inline box" style for Portfolio Grid module--Fixed video post bug, when it is sticky--Fixed blog page column settings--Improved Stunning header On/Off option--Fixed VC background row parallax and video--Fixed line-height for headings--Fixed VC full height row option--Added animation for Pie Charts module--Fixed image size option in VC Single image module--Fixed social share feature on single posts--Fixed animation in VC Single Image module--Fixed VC Sliding content module--Fixed background color option for mega menu--Updated Facebook widget--Fixed title on bbPress forum page--Fixed option to change image size for Woocommerce single product image--Fixed bug in single portfolio page when adding text to the upper editor--Added support of double quotes in "Portfolio description" field on single portfolio page--Fixed option "Fixed background image" in VC row settings--Small fixes for VC Info List module-Embrace Version 1.4.1.,  July 1, 2015-prettyPhoto XSS fix--Updated plugins--Fixed styles in single post--Fixed styles in Post Grid module--Fixed styles for Woocommerce group products--Added styles for new Button module of Visual Composer--Added styles for Woocommere search widget--Fixed positionning of the background image on stunning header--Improved styles of Crumina Page slider--Fixed semitransparent header style when stunning header is disabled--Fixed bug in single portfolio, when only one description field is filled--Fixed VC grid module styles-Version 1.4.1., May 5, 2015-Fixed Contact form--Added text "Menu" located on collapsible mobile menu to translation file--Fixed quantity buttons on single Woocommerce product on Macbook + Chrome-Version 1.4. , April 25, 2015-Security update--Updated Woocommerce templates-Version 1.3., February 24, 2015-Added auto update feature--Updated Woocommerce templates--Updated plugins bundled with the theme--Added new style of demo site--Added new demo style to demo import--Integrated new icon pack to Icon Manager (Picons)--Added option custom color to all VC modules with buttons--Some styling fixes--Added Fixed background option to VC row settings--Re-added text color option in VC row settings--Integrated new styles for Pie Charts and Skills module--Fixed Crop thumbnail option--Fixed text formatting issue in Portfolio+Inline grid module--Fixed header bug-

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