Willow - A One Page Multi-Purpose Theme

Willow - A One Page Multi-Purpose Theme

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Version 1.7.6 out now!

Willow offers a clean simplicity in perfect harmony with arresting aesthetics and is guaranteed to impress any audience. A robust one page multi-purpose theme, Willow is crafted to adapt to your creative and professional needs while ensuring your content is showcased in breathtaking prominence. Created in close collaboration with the talented folks at Vafpress, Willow is jam packed with tons of premium features, not to mention Solo Pine’s acclaimed customer support.


Page BuilderResponsive and Retina ReadyEasy SetupBeautiful ParallaxCSS3 AnimationsCustom PortfolioWPML ReadySEO FriendlyFullscreen Video450+ IconsTop Notch Support

Full Feature List

  • Responsive Design
  • Retina Ready
  • Page Builder – Powered by Visual Composer ($15 value)
  • 11 Custom Elements for Visual Composer
  • Fullscreen Video Background
  • Fullscreen Parallax Background
  • 3 Different Hero Text Styles
  • Theme Options – Powered by Vafpress
  • Vafpress Portfolio Plugin
  • 3 Different Portfolio Project Layouts
  • Create your own custom project layouts
  • Fullscreen slider
  • 450+ Icons included
  • 650+ Google Webfonts
  • 60+ CSS3 Animations
  • 5 Custom Sidebar Widgets
    • Recent Posts Widget
    • Icon List Widget
    • Social Widget
    • Facebook Widget
    • Ad Widget
  • 650+ Google Webfonts
  • WP 3.9+ Ready
  • Google Authorship and Rich Snippet support
  • WPML Ready
  • Translation Ready
  • Demo XML included

Please note that images are not included in the demo content. However, we have created a list of free stock photo sites that we use in the theme.

Tutorial Videos

Tutorial: How to install the demo content
Tutorial: Building the demo site from scratch


Version 1.7.6

- Updated to latest version of Visual Composer After updating Willow you will need to delete the current Visual Composer plugin on your plugins page and then re-install it again to get the latest version (a message will show up with a simple one click installation).

Version 1.7.5

- Updated to latest version of Visual Composer 4.11.1Note: After updating Willow you will need to delete the current Visual Composer plugin on your plugins page and then re-install it again to get the latest version (a message will show up with a simple one click installation).

Version 1.7.4

- Updated to latest version of Visual Composer 4.7.4Note: After updating Willow you will need to delete the current Visual Composer plugin on your plugins page and then re-install it again to get the latest version (a message will show up with a simple one click installation).

Version 1.7.2

- Updated to latest version of Visual Composer 4.5.3Note: After updating Willow you will need to delete the current Visual Composer plugin on your plugins page and then re-install it again to get the latest version (a message will show up with a simple one click installation).

Version 1.7.1

- Updated to latest version of Visual Composer 4.5.2Note: After updating Willow you will need to delete the current Visual Composer plugin on your plugins page and then re-install it again to get the latest version (a message will show up with a simple one click installation).

Version 1.7

- Updated to latest version of the TGM activation plugin- Updated to latest version of Visual Composer 4.4.4Note: After updating Willow you will need to delete the current Visual Composer plugin on your plugins page and then re-install it again to get the latest version (a message will show up with a simple one click installation).

Version 1.6.1

- Fixed head section showing on search results page- Fixed inconsistent hero slider text interval- Updated to latest version of Visual Composer 4.4.1Note: After updating Willow you will need to delete the current Visual Composer plugin on your plugins page and then re-install it again to get the latest version (a message will show up with a simple one click installation).

Version 1.6

- Removed false required validation on hero slide options- Fixed safari portfolio pop-up can’t scroll with mouse wheel- Fixed PHP Strict Standard error in Visual Composer row’s template

2014, September 28th – Version 1.5

- Fixed reversed "next project" link which actually lead to previous (older) project- Fixed anchor link script for scrolling navigation- Added standard content filter (wpautop, etc) to Portfolio data text content- Portfolio data content is now compatible with WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin- Fixed widget icons with same icon only showing 1 of them- Fixed standard fonts can’t be chosen due to use of double quote character- Enable fit text to hero middle text- Set Hero Button from nowrap to normal wrap- Fixed forced color styling on Section title element- Fixed widget post colors for footer- Fixed Pinterest social share, add thumbnail image parameter in blog posts- Fixed portfolio grid category filters showing all even if some categories had been excluded

2014, July 3rd – Version 1.4

- Fixed: Safari on Mac flickering issue- Fixed: Pinterest social share, added thumbnail image parameter- Fixed: imagesloaded script missing in pages without Visual Composer mode enabled- Changed video hero to native HTML5 video and removed Medialements.js as the main media player library

2014, June 24th – Version 1.3

- Fixed: Section Separator background color issue- Fixed: header-portfolio-ajax "get_the_permalink" to "get_permalink" - Fixed: Portfolio load more animation issue- Fixed: Anchor link click issue inside the hero section on Android Chrome- Fixed: isotope: use Visual Composer's isotope version instead of new version- Fixed: Parallax for element mode, this also fixes the hero video slide issue- Fixed: background cover and fixed issue on iOS- Fixed: text rotator unexpected behavior by resetting it after hero clicked- Fixed: jpreloader bug - if there is no images in the page- Fix jpreloader CSS which causes flickering on mobile browsers- Fixed: function to detect image post ID- Fixed: progress bar custom color- Updated: Vafpress Framework- Mobile menu now automatically collapses after clicking any menu item- Swap root style.css queue to have highest priority- Added: Hero text rotator interval option- Added: Portfolio Grid & Blog Grid category options- Updated Visual Composer to latest version. Note: After updating Willow you will need to delete the current Visual Composer plugin on your plugins page and then re-install it again to get the latest version (a message will show up with a simple one click installation)

2014, May 22nd – Version 1.2

- Added: Portfolio Load More Pagination- Added: Auto Rotate option on Hero Slider- Added: New theme Options menu: Custom Scripts- Fixed: Blog Template Query and Pagination- Fixed: Icon selectbox issue on Visual Composer- Fixed: Hero Logo z-index- Added default willow logo on the theme options- Fixed: Some minor fixes

2014, May 19th – Version 1.1

- Added: New full width blog page template- Added: New theme option to disable sidebar on posts- Included: the .po file- Updated to latest version of Visual Composer ( Updated to latest version of FontAwesome (4.1.0)- Replaced social media icons with FontAwesome and removed SocMed icons- Fixed: an issue with the hero image disappearingon browser window resize- Fixed: Transition issue on Safari- Fixed: Portfolio popup's touch scrolling issue on mobile devices- Fixed: Video background resize issue- Fixed: One page scrolling issue on IE

Need support?

Head over to our dedicated support site http://solopine.ticksy.com

Thanks for checking out Willow!

Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have-- you’re the reason we’re here! We love any and all constructive feedback and even folks dropping in just to say hello.

And, if you love Willow as much as we know you will, please remember to rate it.

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