Shogun - the First Reactive WordPress Theme

Shogun - the First Reactive WordPress Theme

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Shogun is a multi-purpose WordPress theme packed with features and possibilities. With a variety of templates and settings, it can be used to create anything from personal blogs or landing pages to complex portfolios, corporate websites, and online shops. The theme’s minimal style that develops and extends the latest trends in web design will ensure that your website looks and feels modern, and remains time-proof. The Shogun is a result of two years of theme-building expertise accumulated here at Satori Studio, making it a stable and reliable, yet at the same time remarkably flexible theme. With over 100 theme options, dozens of settings for individual pages, posts and projects, powerful plugins and custom built-in modules, Shogun offers wide customization possibilities for both WordPress beginners and experienced users.

Shogun is responsive, retina-ready, and translation-compatible. At no additional cost, the theme incorporates such best-selling premium plugins as the Visual Content Builder ($30 in value) and the Revolution slider ($19 in value). The former offers an easy drag-and-drop interface for creating both simple and complex content nodes, with a choice from 38 typical blocks such as text, images, sliders, carousels, tabs, bars, charts, maps, social services, buttons, widgets and many more. The Revolution Slider, in turn, allows you to create fantastic animated slideshows while enjoying an unrivalled level of customizability.

That’s not all – Shogun is also the first ever premium WordPress theme to incorporate a specialized, mechanism which allows your website to interact with the visitors depending on the actions performed by each paricular user, thus increasing engagement and conversions. Static websites are so 20th century! shogun features - reactive shogun features - responsive shogun features - retina-ready shogun features - visual content builder shogun features - unlimited styles shogun features - woocommerce integration shogun features - powerful theme options panel shogun features - revolution slider shogun features - wide and boxed layouts shogun features - page templates shogun features - post and project formats shogun features - unlimited sidebars shogun features - fontawesome icon font shogun features - contact form builder shogun features - 4 custom widgets shogun features - translation support shogun features - advanced seo shogun features - friendly support

Full List of Features

  • The first ever WordPress theme that reacts to how visitors behave on your website
  • Responsive (mobile-friendly) – adapts to the screen width of the viewing device
  • Compatible with high-definition displays, including Apple’s retina technology
  • Integrated Visual Content Builder
    • $30 in value at no additional cost
    • Back-end drag-and-drop editor with 35+ content blocks
    • New! Awesome front-end WYSIWYG drag-and-drop editor
    • One of the most popular oremium WordPress plugins of all time
  • Unlimited color combinations, with a possibility to change color of any element
  • Google Fonts integration, choice from over 500 web fonts
  • 3 configuration options for primary header and 4 for secondary header
  • Advanced WooCommerce integration
    • Works with the most popular free e-commerce plugin for WordPress
    • Drop-down shopping cart integrated into the theme’s menu
    • Product count in shopping cart updated in real time
    • Styles for WooCommerce pages and native widgets
  • Powerful Theme Options panel with over 100 settings for easy customization
  • Revolution Slider integrated into the theme
    • $19 in value at no additional cost
    • The most popular slider plugin on CodeCanyon
    • Layered slides with animations for each element
    • Can place slider on any page of the theme
  • Wide and boxed layouts switchable via the back-end Theme Options panel
    • Choose between fixed content width or full-screen width
    • Set manually the width of the content area
    • Set website background and content area background
  • 5 page layouts in addition to default page
    • Classic blog
    • Masonry blog
    • Blog-like portfolio
    • Masonry portfolio
    • Grid portfolio
  • Theme supports 7 post and project formats
    • Standard
    • Image
    • Video
    • Aside
    • Gallery
    • Quote
    • Link
  • Unlimited sidebars, interchangeable with default ones
  • Infinite scroll for any individual blog or portfolio page
  • Smooth scrolling – your website will be much more pleasant to browse
  • FontAwesome icon font integrated into the theme
  • Contact form builder and email delivery option
  • 4 custom widgets included with the theme
    • Advanced Recent Posts
    • Twitter Feed
    • Social Media Links
    • Revolution Slider
  • Translation and multilingual website support
  • Advanced SEO settings for entire website and each page
  • Child theme included
  • Progressive visual, developing the ideas or flat design and minimalism
  • Detailed user manual with screenshots and how-to’s
  • Friendly, fast, attentive support via the forum, comments, or emails

Media Used in the Preview

Samurai Helmet by Sebastien Bertrand,
Samurai Helmet by Marshall Astor,
Samurai Girl by Johan Sisno,
Kusunoki Masashige Statue by Slackrhackr,
Samurai by Tekniska Museet,
Steel Blade by Robert Couse-Baker,
Samurai Loves His Sword by Glenn Waters,
Tokugawa Helmet by Hikosaemon,
Katana by Mark Vegas,
Katana by Adam Selwood,
Samurai by Stillfried,
Samurai Armor by WikiImages,
Shogun Residence by Valeyoshino,
Samurai by WikiImages,
Katanas by Henry Tseng,
Kanata Grip by Scott Feldstein,
Shogun Palace Roof by Brian Jeffery Beggerly,
Samurai School Corridor by Russell Trwo,
After 5 Tactical by Glenn Waters,
Fujin Raijin by Glenn Waters,
Dragon Folder by Glenn Waters,
Shinken Tsuba Close-up by Bobo Boom,
Shinken on the Floor by Bobo Boom,
Katanas by Marcos Cousseau,
Autumn Leaves by Adam Chamness,
Tarrera – Shogun by Fiction Pictures,
Katsumoto by Hasan Bajramovic


Version 1.4.2Added an option to insert multiple Revolution Sliders on specific pages.Updated the Visual Composer bundled plugin.Version 1.4.1Updated the Visual Composer bundled plugin to patch a security vulnerability.Version 1.4Added an option to place a marker on the ,,Map“ Visual Composer element.Fixed Media Library behaviour in custom meta fields such as page header upload.Fixed Visual Composer Maps element behaviour when more than one is on a page.Fixed the masonry tile height on mobile screens. Fixed VC Posts Grid filters when two or more such elements are on a page.Updated VC plugin, including security fixes for contained Pretty Photo scripts.Version 1.3The logo automatically hides on scroll with centered header layout to save space.Introduced media breakpoints on portfolio masonry tiles on smaller screens.Fixed image pop-up overlay z-index parameter to keep on top of other website elements.Improved the ,,Added to cart“ message on WooCommerce-related pages.Fixed the ,,Primary header – padding“ theme option.Removed shortcodes from search results.Improved VC element ,,tabbed tour“ appearance on small screens.Fixed the form generator overlay window sequence in VC.Fixed the ,,Button 2“ VC element rendering.Fixed styling for input fields with types other than ,,text“ and ,,password“.Fixed cross position in active bullets on the Revolution Slider.Version 1.2Added masonry tile background color option for each individual post and project.Compactified the mobile menu for higher usability on smaller screens.Fixed shopping cart icon visibility on mobile menu toggle.Added Theme Options setting for secondary menu font size.Improved the fixed header function to work also under ,,allow_url_fopen“ restrictions.Version 1.1Improved masonry tile representation of projects and posts without thumbnails.Fixed Visual Composer front-end editor script bug.Fixed Theme Customizer.Enabled 100 and 200 weight Google fonts to be used with the theme.Fixed php error on multisite installs.Removed error message which appeared when editing user profiles.Version 1.0.1Fixed preloader behaviour on browsers with Javascript disabled.Reverted the smooth scrolling setting in the Theme Options panel to hidden by default.Fixed grid portfolio template bug.Version 1.0Initial release.

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