UNIK - Universal Music Responsive WordPress Theme

UNIK - Universal Music Responsive WordPress Theme

Current version 2.9

UNIK - documentationUNIK - documentationUNIK - Universal Music Wordpress Themeunik woocommerceUNIK - Universal Music Wordpress Themesidebar generatorUNIK - Universal Music Wordpress ThemeUNIK - Universal Music Wordpress Theme

UNIK – Universal Music Wordpress Theme

Universal to all music genres. Loaded with some killer features to suit your needs, does not matter if you are a music blogger, a musician, a DJ, a dance group or a full band UNIK is the theme you are looking for.

- 100% Responsive using bootstrap 3.1
- Layer sider wordpress plugin included
- Revolution slider included
- Ajax driven content load so music wont stop on page change
- 50+ parallax animations
- Unlimited Color Schemes
- Unlimited sidebars
- Post formats
- Powerful theme options panel
- 3 different mp3 players that do not shut off on page changes
- 4 css3 based shadow box
- Booking form support
- Search Engine Optimization- Background Slider
- Events/Tour pages management
- Cool gallery styles
- Four built in shadow style
- 500+ google font
- 400+ retina ready icons
- Wordpress Version 3.9.1 compatible
- Promised support within 6 hours

What Our Customers Saying:

UNIK - Universal Music Wordpress Theme
UNIK - Universal Music Wordpress Theme
UNIK - Universal Music Wordpress Theme
UNIK - Universal Music Wordpress Theme

UNIK – Universal Music Theme

Change log v2.9
- Fixed an error of product audio preview button and options in the product admin page changed. 
- Added audio preview button to woocommerce product page.
- Fixed a javascript error.
- Fixed a error in functions.php
- prettyPhoto XSS fixed
v 2.3
- Music player updated for android compatibility. 
v 2.2
- Image popup function updated- CSS and javascript optimized for better visibility in mobile- Added a new option of minimum screen size for ajax-  All player/song now goes to footer player so non stop music even user move to another page. - Added descriptions to footer player such as music thumbnail, title, artist etc. 
v 2.1
- Fixed latest post slider control- Added toggle option on load for footer player playlist.- Added options for background color, background image for footer player and color for footer player icons.
v 2.0
- Fixed one css issue
v 1.9
- Fixed footer music player for android devices. - Updated latest_event shortcode. Now user can show coming or passed events.
v 1.8
- Now footer player is always fixed in every size screen including tablets and phones. - Positions, appearance of player, social icons, copyright changed- Added functionality to display coming and passed events in latest event shortcode
v 1.7
- sorted event category template- updated latest post and latest events shortcode functions. Now user can use order and orderby attribute properly
v 1.6
- Ajax redirection on error got better function- Woocommerce product download now works- Event gig date now better compatible
v 1.5
- New css based loader included- Now user can link woocommerce product with event. - Event date function changed. - Removed mousewheel event due to requests.
v 1.4
- Included font awesome - Added new features for social icons- Fixed an css issue

Please Read


UNIK – Support


Credits Go To:

Songs used in the preview are created by:

The coolest Tunes on Audiojungle pinkzebra

Awesome songs on Audiojungle BrancoG

Some More Awesome songs on Audiojungle Plastic3

The Code Guru:

My partner in crime Mahbubur for the insane coding skills check him out here SUMMON380


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