Libro Responsive WordPress Theme

Libro Responsive WordPress Theme

Libro Responsive WordPress Theme

Libro Responsive WordPress Theme was designed for Hotels and other appropriate categories sites. Our template is the best for people, who’s going to create a realy modern hotel or booking site. The template is adaptive and very easy to customize. The unique designe will make your clients happy and your bussines thriving.

What others say about us

The Theme layout adapts to the Screen size of different device your visitors are using. You site will always look good and utilize 100% of screen estate on every device.

The Libro theme is built with SEO best practices, so everything is prepared for your bussines, to ship thousands of visitors to your site. It works perfectly well with SEO plugins.

You have problems with template? No Worries – we provide a premium class support for our clients. Our team is always ready to help you.

Change Log

v.1.1 – 27.05.14
- Fixed the homepage top slider issue.

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