Shoppinggo - Clean Online Store Template

Shoppinggo - Clean Online Store Template

Yes, Shoppinggo is perfect template for your retail and online business store that makes you store more outstanding than standard store out there. Commerce is robust template with awesome HTML5 and CSS3 Framework. It’s clearly that this theme is a responsive layout with adaptive approachment for each devices such as iPhone, iPad and many popular devices out there.

Looking for Shoppinggo WordPress ecommerce theme?

There is available to purchase for WordPress version within this template -- Shoppinggo WordPress ecommerce theme. Click image below if that’s what you’re looking for.

Built-in custom widgets -- 7 custom widgets that are available for you to place on your sidebar or footer area. Check out screenshots page to view it.

Responsive with your mobile devices -- Did we mention it earlier? Yes, it does responsive layout for your mobile devices. For viewport 1200+ (desktop computer), 1024+ (notebook and iPad landscape mode), 768+ (netbook and iPad portrait mode) and viewport under 640px (Smartphone). Of course, swipe support for all sliders and carousels on your devices.

Tumblog format blogging -- Yes, it support with many format including media files such video and audio using jPlayer. Also, it does responsive. Wohoo!

PSD Files included 7 PSDs files inside this bundle. You can use it for customizing or modify that fits with your needs. All psds are organize for each layer inside, so you can understand in a minute to play with our psd and start create/modify something on these files.

Fits with any products

This is sample screenshot for visual preview.

Complete template features

  1. Custom widgets available with 7 types to display.
  2. All slider and carousel displayed with responsive layout and swipe support for mobile devices.
  3. Call-to-action on homepage, make it easy to direct an action for visitor.
  4. PSDs format for customisation. All layers are separated and well organizing.
  5. Video support for blog posts.
  6. Audio support for blog posts using jPlayer.
  7. Contact form with Google Map location.
  8. Standard Fullwidth page.
  9. Pixel perfect design orientation with large scalability in mind.
  10. Build on top rock-solid framework, HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap.
  11. Compass and Haml markup available inside bundle for your own development phase.
  12. Extensive documentation.

Yes, we build this template on top (very) rock-solid framework and that’s all already inside this template bundle, just for you!

All images on the Live Preview are just for sample, the images are not included inside the package.

Sources and Credits

I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.

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