Pluto Parallax HTML Portfolio Template

- 4 different homepages – slider, fullscreen parallax slider, fullscreen slider, fullscreen parallax video
- Onepager and multipage
- Unlimited colors
- FontAwesome icons included (250+ Icons)
- Responsive HTML5/CSS3 design
- Twitter Live -- you can automatically show a stream of tweets (PHP required), uses latest Twitter API
- Flexslider (supports video, any HTML content) with parallax effect
- Animate any element when user scrolls to – select any of 60+ effects
- Working contact and newsletter form (requires PHP) -- it even supports Gmail accounts
- Parallax effect
- Wide design – 1170px
- Built with Bootstrap 3 Mobile First
- For PRO users – LESS files included
- Lightbox images preview
- Clean and multipurpose design
- Based on a unique design template
- PSD files included
- created by Elite User


Sources & CREDITS: