Argon is a Premium Creative PSD template suitable for any type of business. 14 is number of total PSD files included. It has a lot of options.All the files within PSD are grouped well and organised in a clean way, in order to access them as easy as possible.
Contains: 4 Home/Portfolio pages, Full browser version, 3 Blog Pages, 2 About us Pages, and so much more!
- 01_Home
- 02_Home Menu Hidden
- 03_Home 2
- 04_Home 3
- 05_Home 4
- 06_About
- 07_About me
- 08_Blog 4 Columns
- 09_Blog Masonry
- 10_Blog Full
- 11_Blog Single
- 12_Services
- 13_Contact
- 14_Error 404
Fonts used
Fonts used:Note: The images you see in the screenshots are used for demo purposes only, they are not included in the download package, the orignial ones are replaces with placeholders.
Thank you