1cv - One Page Responsive Resume Template

1cv - One Page Responsive Resume Template

1cv is a one page responsive HTML template for resumes, personal cards or portfolios. The template has been optimized for mobile and desktop devices.

The template has dark and light layouts, and 32 predefined color styles.

Template Features:

  1. 1cv has been built upon the responsive Twitter Bootstrap framework.
  2. 1cv is a responsive template, it looks good in any type of device.
  3. 1cv has dark and light layouts.
  4. 1cv has 32 predefined color styles.
  5. Google place mark icon can be easily customized.
  6. Portfolio section uses Isotope plugin, and ajax calls for projects to be displayed in a lightbox.
  7. Contact section has a working contact form.
  8. 1cv also integrates AJAX functionality for Portfolio section.
  9. Font Awesome has been included for social icons.
  10. Media print stylesheet is integrated.
  11. Compatible with IE, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Firefox.

Compatible with IE8 , IE9, IE10


jQuery JavaScript Library – http://jquery.com/
Bootstrap 3 – http://getbootstrap.com/
HTML5 Librarys by Modernizr http://modernizr.com/
Slideshow http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/
Icon fonts by Font-Awesome http://fontawesome.io/
Isotope http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
Inview https://github.com/protonet/jquery.inview


Some images are from Daniel Zeda http://www.flickr.com/photos/astragony/page1/

And some others are from http://unsplash.com/

None of the images are included in the template, they are just used for demonstration purpose.

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