Webmarket - WP Theme for Advanced Online Shops

Webmarket - WP Theme for Advanced Online Shops

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Webmarket is a responsive WordPress WooCommerce theme for online shops. It is very easy to setup and use.

Main Features:

webmarket wordpress theme features

ProteusThemes professional customization

Our Customers Say

Awesome theme. I just got this and it already look great for the first week. I cant wait to add more to it and make it look very professional.

By bplogwp
This theme is really easy to setup and to use. Customer Support is one of the best one I have ever encountered here on ThemeForest or any other Envato Market place.

I highly suggest this seller and this theme to anyone who needs a great woocommerce theme.

By Eurostarmedia
Love the theme. Think it works well and was very easy to get looking like your demo, which is good because some themes have an amazing demo but its impossible to get it looking anything like it!!

By jojoregan
Bought this feature-rich template for a new website and have been VERY impressed with the quality and speed of support responses from the author to help me with customization questions. The documentation is probably very adequate if you are experienced – but I’m not. So getting rapid help has been invaluable.By RichAtkins
Absolutely recommended theme! A++ customer support, answered all my questions in timely measure. Highly recommended for custom designs!By noulou92
Hi , I would just like to say thanks to all your team, a great user friendly theme, but the great service post purchase is first class, don’t think i will be looking anywhere else for future themes and content.

Thanks again
Visin hairdressing, Gee Cross

Great theme, perfect for any salon. Client loves it. Very good documentation and easy to use and setup.

By ypclarke

THANKS! I really appreciate the FAST service of ProteusThemes! Really Really Happy with the theme and support! Thanks again.

By Timonvkl

Absolutely stunning theme, highly recommended; 5* – with generosity of help like no other. Coded really well, & would like to see more from this user in the near future – keep supporting!!

By thenewlayout

Do you enjoy our theme? We would be glad to publish what you have to say to others. Just drop us a message from our profile.


  • Retina-ready
  • WooCommerce integration
  • Unlimited color schemes
  • Unlimited sidebars (with implemented plugin)
  • Easy installation
  • BONUS! $18 Slider Revolution included
  • 300+ Icons (Zocial & FontAwesome)
  • Wide and boxed version
  • ... and so much more!!!

The Webmarket template comes with PSD files created by professional designer, so it is very easy to add some extra visual elements to the existing design.


Images Used

There licensed images are used in Webmarket:

Images of the products are not included in the ZIP file for download.

Fonts Used

There are two custom fonts from Google Fonts used in the Webmarket HTML template:

Contact / Support

We are available for questions / suggestions / help at support portal.


v2.3.10 (2016-04-28)#fixed: updated WooCommerce template versions for 2.5.2
v2.3.8 (2015-09-21)# fixed: all woocommerce template files checked and updatedFiles:M    languages/sl_SI.poM    languages/webmarket.potM    style.cssM    woocommerce/content-product.phpM    woocommerce/content-product_cat.phpM    woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php
v2.3.7 (2015-07-01)+ added: the code to set the webmarket SU skin.@ improved: Webmarket documentationFiles:M    MakefileM    functions.phpM    languages/webmarket.potM    style.css
v2.3.6 (2015-04-29)# fixed: translation i18n issues@ improved: new version of Revolution Slider (v4.6.92)Files:M    functions.phpM    languages/webmarket.potM    style.cssM    tgm-plugin-activation/plugins/revslider.zip
v2.3.5 (2015-04-23)# fixed: OT and TGM vulnerability - http://marketblog.envato.com/news/wordpress-item-security-vulnerability/@ improved: new version of Revolution Slider (v4.6.9)Files:M    404.phpM    Gruntfile.jsM    archive.phpM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    comments.phpM    content-breadcrumbs.phpM    content-title.phpM    header.phpM    inc/custom-comments.phpM    inc/helpers.phpM    inc/ot-meta-boxes.phpM    inc/register-sidebars.phpM    inc/template-tags.phpM    inc/theme-customizer.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-best-selling-products.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-brands-slider.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-featured-link.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-featured-products.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-new-products-grid.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-opening-time.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-shop-category-filter.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-text-custom-width.phpM    inc/woocommerce.phpM    index.phpD    languages/make_translateM    languages/sl_SI.moM    languages/sl_SI.poM    languages/webmarket.potM    option-treeM    package.jsonM    search.phpM    single.phpM    style.cssM    tgm-plugin-activation/class-tgm-plugin-activation.phpM    tgm-plugin-activation/plugins/revslider.zipM    titlearea.phpM    woocommerce/content-product.phpM    woocommerce/single-product-reviews.phpM    woocommerce/single-product/price.phpM    woocommerce/single-product/review.php
v2.3.4 (2015-02-16)# fixed: support for WooCommerce v2.3.0# fixed: updated OT to v2.5.1Files:M    assets/lib/components/_wp.scssM    assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.cssM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    languages/webmarket.potM    option-treeM    style.cssM    woocommerce/content-product.phpM    woocommerce/content-product_cat.phpM    woocommerce/content-single-product.phpM    woocommerce/loop/loop-end.phpM    woocommerce/loop/loop-start.phpM    woocommerce/loop/pagination.phpM    woocommerce/single-product-reviews.phpM    woocommerce/single-product/price.phpM    woocommerce/single-product/review.phpM    woocommerce/single-product/short-description.phpM    woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.phpM    woocommerce/single-product/title.phpv2.3.3 (2015-01-14)# fixed: brands with links@ improved: add new demo import files (demo-content.xml and demo-widgets.wie)Files:M    assets/lib/_master.scssM    assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.cssM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    inc/widgets/widget-brands-slider.phpM    languages/webmarket.potM    style.cssv2.3.2 (2014-09-22)# fixed: Modernizr JS code moved to a separate file# fixed: new Revolution Slider (4.6.0)@ improved: support for WooCommerce v2.2.xv2.3.1 (2014-06-27)# fixed: touch screen and grid product buttons (buttons should be visible all the time on touch), added Modernizr detection for this# fixed: the encodings problem in the shop filters (now always utf8)v2.3.0 (2014-05-26)+ added: support for unlimited number of submenu levels on main nav# fixed: number input fields in ff >= 29v2.2.1 (2014-04-18)# fixed: theme can be used without woocommerce# fixed: 3rd and lower levels of product categories in filters# fixed: the 3rd level of the categories are listed properly under the parent categories# fixed: after you filter the results, the checkboxes for categories fitler are repopulated@ improved: loading speed, less JS resources needed@ improved: advanced shop filters reliability in generalv2.2.0 (2014-04-07)+ added: more consistent search experience when on the shop pages+ added: if there are more than 5 products in the cart, just show [and X more] so the dropdown is not too highv2.1.0 (2014-03-04)+ added: possible sidebar on the product page+ added: optionally include/exclude the in stock next to the product title# fixed: the image changes on the attribute change# fixed: buttons colors on WooCommerce pages# fixed: text in the OT > Theme Options > Shop moved to theme customizer@ improved: CSS preformance@ updated: bundled revsliderversion 2.0.0 (2014-03-04)@ improved: the WooCommerce implementation@ improved: the indication when the item is added to cart@ improved: breadcrumbs@ improved: faster animations@ improved: new demo content export for WooCommerce 2.1.2version 1.3.4 (2014-02-24)# fixed: WooCommerce widgets on the front page# fixed: filtering by attributesversion 1.3.3 (2014-02-16)# fixed: Webmarket widgets for the front pageversion 1.3.2 (2014-02-15)@ improved: touch devices experience@ improved: new export files# fixed: all the WooCommerce errors leftversion 1.3.1 (2014-02-14)# fixed: all the WooCommerce issues# fixed: wrapped all function calls to `if ! function_exists`# fixed: the helper function `is_woocommerce_active()`version 1.3.0 (2014-01-23)+ added: shop page view as categories+ added: better support for touch devices on smaller screens+ added: native WP custom backgrounds+ added: auto-updating options via Envato APIs+ added: latest version of Slider Revolution# fixed: some visual glitches in CSSversion 1.2.0 (2014-01-14)+ added: submit button label can be changed in widget for filter sidebars+ added: shop sidebar position can be changed in the customizer# fixed: PHP < 5.3 fallback functions added# fixed: default blog sidebar on installationversion 1.1.0 (2013-12-25)+ added: WPML ready# fixed: WooCommerce default widgets styleing# fixed: custom width widget for the front pageversion 1.0.0 (2013-12-23)# first release

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