Cross - Minimal HTML5 Template

- HTML5 + CSS3 + jQuery
- 1260px responsive grid
- Retina display support
- Mobile first approach (optimized for all devices)
- Uses custom font icons (display perfectly at any size as compared to static images)
- Unique AJAX based search form, “like” system and dynamic journal
- Many elements to choose from for the home page:
- Draggable slider with mobile swipes support
- Zoomable images with lightbox support
- Responsive video container
- Filterable portfolio display
- Team section with keywords linking each member
- Multi-column services/features
- Unique pages: Welcome (fullpage image gallery + video support), Shop, Shopping Cart, Journal, 404 Error Not Found, 503 Maintenance Page
- Common elements: typography, grids, lists, tables, forms, buttons, quotes, alerts, toggle panels, tab container, html5 audio player, social icons, call to action box, lightbox gallery, etc…
- Diverse variations of the portfolio page that contain:
- 2/3/4/6 column based items
- Can add dynamic filter for category selection
- AJAX based loading of individual items in a lightbox
- Unique shop display with inline zoomable product image
- Contains AJAX based contact form + PHP sendmail script
- PSD files included only for welcome and index pages
- Images are not included in the final purchase file
- Easy to customize + documentation (basic web development knowledge needed)