Sellya now full compatible of WooCommerce 2.3 Handsome Hippo is in the wild!
Sellya is a fully responsive Wordpress theme for any store, it uses Bootstrap and it’s created by using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 features. Admin panel with 230+ custom build options allows you to do extreme customizations without knowing any HTML or CSS. You can change over 80+ colors, apply 354 background patterns on each of 5 areas and very many theme settings. Great looks on desktops, tablets and mobiles.
Compatible with Wordpress: 3.5-4.0 or greater and Woocommerce 2.0.12 -2.2.2+ and Sellya is child theme ready
All of our dear customer , we suggest you to purchase our oxy theme which is more powerful and flexible than sellya, where over 800+ customer experience of sellya is implemented 
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Free Premium Slider-Revolution( SAVE $15)
What people have to say
5-star support system!! My site is back to operational. Thanks.donnyy
Wonderful support very helpful and very quick to respond to questions.aciddaze
Unheard of support!. He’s got a big vision for this theme with all kinds of plans for repositories and custom skins in the future. I love this theme!summitwebmarketing
The customer support is excellent, the design is excellent and the flexibility of the theme is unbelievable. I highly recommend this theme, it has been perfect for our online store.dustedpetalsx
I’m very satisfied with this template and also with the support I receive from the support team, they solved all my requests. Thanks!!! gabikod
Great support and very fast !!!! sonnybr
Great theme, easy to customize and works will all my plugins – what more could you want?!johnnybpope
Theme is great to work with, has all you need. If something goes wrong, there is outstanding support team there for your. They are quick, nice to talk to and they know their business! It is a 5-star purchase!urosch
Video installation
FAQ : About skin customization
WPML Ready
Theme Features
Home Page:
- Short code based home page build,
- Premium Slider-Slide revolution
- Product In category-Premium Plugin
- New short code add
- Product with hove image
- Skin import and build option
- And lots of awasome features
- Wpml compatible, stable release
6 different templates with combination of 3 types of sliders, sidebars, category listing, brands
- Homepage Full Width
- Homepage Full Width With Camera Slider
- Homepage Full Width With Flexslider
- Homepage Full Width With Product Categories
- Homepage Full Width With Product Slider
- Homepage With Sidebars
- 3 flexible slideshows (Camera Slider, Flexslider or Featured Products Slider)
- Featured/Latest with slider or grid visualization
- Category wall
- Brands wall
- 3 sidebar areas(top, middle and bottom) for placing advertisements
6 different blog templates with 1, 2 and 3 columns with/without left sidebar excluding default blog template index.php.
- Blog 1 Column
- Blog 1 Column Fullwidth
- Blog 2 Columns
- Blog 2 Columns Fullwidth
- Blog 3 Columns
- Blog 3 Columns Fullwidth
Category Page:
- Has a dedicated template (Product Categories) for category page
- Subcategory wall
- Icon “No image” when the product does not have a image
Product Page:
- 2 different image displaying systems: default Colorbox or CloudZoom
- Dynamic Related Products position (right vertical slider or bottom grid)
- Brand logo
- Product viewed
- Custom block
- Custom tabs
- Previous/Next navigation. You can navigate to previous or next product without going back to listing page.
- Increment/Decrement a Quantity
- “Zoom” Button for Cloudzoom
Contact Page:
- Used of Google map, contact form 7 and column shortcodes
- See live demo of the Contact Page
Mega Menu:
- 3 categories display variants (horizontal, horizontal with icons, vertical)
- Custom Mega Menu
Colors and Styles:
- You can change the color over 80 elements
- 354 included background patterns which can be combined with any color
- Search bar with 3 style options
- Dynamic logo position (left or center)
- Dynamic search bar position (left, center or right)
- 4 cart icons
- 7 Payment images or upload your own
- 10 Social Media icons with easy setup
- “Sale” icon (you can change the color)
- Full width or box layout
Bottom Area:
- Flexible 1-3 columns
- Contact us block
- Twitter block
- Custom block
- Payment block
- Follow us block
- About us block
- Facebook Box (left or right position)
- Custom box (left or right position)
- “Scroll To Top” button
General Info:
- Easy to install and customize
- Cross Browser compatible
- Complete documentation with screenshots
- HTML5 / CSS3 / jQuery / Bootstrap v2.0.2 powered
- SEO Optimized
- Product pages – 1 or 2
- Other pages – 2
- Enable or disable left or right columns
PSD files:
- Home/Category/Product pages for the default skin
- Category banners
Extra Skins for Free:
- Kids
- Fashion
- Sport
- Gifts
- Restaurant
- Light
- Electronics
Some awasome site build with sellya
Update history
5-17-2015[update] wordpress 4.5+ compatible[update] woocommerce 2.5+ compatible[update] revolution slider update
2-25-2015 single-product-reviews.php extra bracket bug fix
9-8-2014*Slider Revolution 4.6 version include *No theme file changes.
7-3-2014* cloud zoom for variation product fixed* gravity form compatible* product search implement* some improvement
Date :17 April 2014 *woocommer 2.1.7 file grouped.php udpate* wp 3.9 changes.
Date :17 January 14 --Bug fix of slider url from admin panel--Short code style bug fix other page
Update Instruction is inside documentaion1. sellya/admin/functions/functions.options.php Added new Theme options1.1 Enable / Disable product description, rating / alternative image1.2 Item border left show1.3 Item border left size1.4 Item border left style1.5 Item border left color2. sellya/admin/front-end/options.php Markup changed and loaded into a variable3. sellya/functions.php Commit Changes for product description, rating / alternative image and added sds-wc-cat plugin.4.sellya/style.css Added and modified some css rules5. sellya/custom-style.php Added and modified some css rules6. sellya/taxonomy-brands.php Commit Changes for product description, rating / alternative image7. sellya/woocommerce/archive-product.php Commit Changes for product description, rating / alternative image8. sellya/woocommerce/content-product.php Commit Changes for product description, rating / alternative image9. sellya/css/stylesheet.css Made few changes10. sellya/swpf/sliders.php
--v-1.5- update 10th October, 2013 --wooCommerce bug fix for shipping method+add features catalog mode.<a href="">Faq for update</a>
--v-1.4- update 8th October, 2013 --1. sellya/woocommerce/cart/cart.php Updated according to woocommerce latest version.2. sellya/woocommerce/cart/totals.php Updated according to woocommerce latest version.3. sellya/woocommerce/order/order-details.php Updated according to woocommerce latest version. Notice: Undefined variables have been fixed.4. sellya/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php Add zoom link to colorbox mode.5. sellya/woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php Fixed according to according to Theme Options6. sellya/swpf/nav_menu_walker.php fixed bugs for wpml plugin support.7. sellya/style.css updated according to last few changes.All are suggested to use Sellya Child theme and insert their custom styling rules into sellya-child/style.css file after @import url("../sellya/style.css");.
v-1.3 - 9-30-20131. template-blog-one-column-fullwidth.phpUndefined variable $day_link line 61 2. theme-optionsadded separate option for Main menu active item bg color and text color.3. theme-optionsadded separate option for Main menu item hover bg color and text color.4. css/stylesheet cart, main menu style affected by default style and custom_style.php. **Solved**5. Sellya Address Info WidgetShowed icons even while relevant text fields were empty. **Solved**6. Category Mega Menu Change previous code and make it wpml compitable. Add option to Theme Options to select the page id to append category mega menu under it.7. Single Product pageAdd woocommerce variable product attributes image viewing capability to cloud-zoom and colorbox.
19-9-2013Category page subcategory show issue fixed.Woocommere not declare message issue fixed.some improvement16-9-2013Demo content xml includeTool tip on admin panel to show better documentaionadmin sample data includeslider enable or disable optionpage with or without side bar templateCommunity Support & Customer Support
Our support team guarantees to respond you within 24 working hours. You can send us email to when you receive an auto-response email it means that your question has been delivered to our system ticket system. We will proceed tickets and respond you to in the queue order.
Our working hour is from 9:00AM to 10:00PM GMT+6 Saturday To Thursday.