Keylight - Light & Flat Portfolio

Keylight - Light & Flat Portfolio

Keylight is a simple one page portfolio template, great for showcasing your work or for a small agency’s portfolio. It’s responsive and it’s based on LESS, which makes it highly customizable.


  • Based on LESS, easily customizable. Change all the colors in seconds.
  • Fully Responsive – looks as great on a phone as on a desktop computer.
  • Working AJAX form
  • Subtle scrolling and animations
  • 3 types of portfolio – slider, single item and Dribbble gallery
  • Pricing table
  • Easily configurable map & video section.


Please use the comment section if you have any support questions.

Shots from Dribbble players used in the preview:


Find out which version you have by opening css/main.css or css/main.less. If there’s no Version: X.X this means you’re using the base version 1.0. All newer versions have a Version: X.X line.

Version 1.2

  • FIX – form submission not working properly, fixed.

    If you’re updating from 1.0 or 1.1 please add ” method=”POST” value=”1000” ” to all files that use a form element. Then open process.php and add $budget = strip_tags($_POST[‘budget’]); after $message = strip_tags($_POST[‘message’]); and Budget: $budget$\n between Email: $email\n and Message: $message\n. If you don’t get this overwrtie process.php with the new one and set it up with your details.

  • FIX – main navigation horizontal position for lower resolutions.

    If you’re updating from 1.0 or 1.1 pljust replace main.js

Version 1.1 + Guide how to update from 1.0:

If you’re updating from 1.0 copy and replace the css/main.css and css/main.less file with your current ones & js/main.js with the current one. Caution: if you’ve made changes to these files, please make a backup and then reapply them on the new files.

  • FIX – singlePageNav now accepts external links.

    To apply this fix in version 1.0 update file js/plugins/jquery.singlePageNav.min.jsTo use an external link, please be sure to include a class ’.external’ to the corresponding anchor.
  • FIX – .btn padding on different OSs due to font rendering

    To apply this in version 1.0 copy file js/plugins/jquery.fixClient.js from the download package to your website in folder js/plugins. Then edit all HTML files to include the new file (i.e. add line <script src=”js/plugins/jquery.fixClient.js”></script> at the bottom of the HTML page where the other scripts are added, but not after main.js)
  • Optional FIX – removing class .clearfix from frequently used elements

    To apply this delete clearfix class from these elements: .row, .wrapper, .content-container, .mainnav.
  • FIX – Single slider flickering in Safari for OS X

    This will be automatically fixed when you replace the CSS/LESS files.
  • FIX – Go to top link on the logo and iOS flickering. Improved toggle button.

    If you’re updating from 1.0, simply overwrite the current logo anchor with <a href=”#” class=”logo top”><img src=”img/samples/logo.png” height=”47px” width=”145px” alt=””></a>
  • FEATURE – Blog area in index.html

    There’s a new blog area in index.html which stands where Elements was before. Elements is now in a separate page. If you’re updating from version 1.0 make sure to open index.html from the new downloaded package and then copy the whole container that starts with <div id=”blog” class=”section content-container grey relative narrow-carousel”> in your index.html file on your website.
  • FEATURE – Blog single page

    There’s a new blog single page blog-single.html
  • FEATURE – Portfolio single page

    There’s a new portfolio single page portfolio-single.html

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