Metrika — Responsive OnePage WordPress Theme

Metrika -- Responsive OnePage WordPress Theme



A few words about <>

<> -- a modern, dynamic, high-quality OnePage WordPress Theme. Following the trends in design, we tried to create, first of all, convenient and functional product that will not take a lot of time to configure and setup. And most importantly, it will fit almost everyone. Flat design, simple and expressive animation will make your content unique. One can go to talk about all the advantages and opportunities of the template, but enough to see the live preview and everything will be understandable to you.

So, what is <>?


i am bootstrap



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Key features

  • Fully responsive web design for all devices;
  • Retina ready!
  • Twitter Bootstrap Compatible;
  • HTML5 & CSS3;
  • Google Web Fonts;
  • Compatible on all major modern browsers;
  • Well documented;
  • Unlimited colors;
  • Great dynamics and navigation;
  • Powerful admin panel;
  • Highly customizable;
  • Demo content included;
  • 97 Social icon set;
  • Two versions – with solid and photo background.

Font used

  • Arial
  • Segoe UI


17.05.2015 (v2.3.7)
-- Fixed incorrect displaying of blog posts and 'Blog' page;

17.04.2014 (v2.3.5)

-- Fixed issue with footer displaying;-- Fixed displaying of images on 'Our Works' page;-- Fixed issue with displaying content of the page after transition;

06.03.2014 (v2.3.4)

-- Improved work of filter on 'Our Works' page;-- Improved displaying of 'Our Works' page;-- Improved compatibility with Mozilla Firefox;-- Fixed displaying of posts on 'Blog' page;-- Fixed reloading page issue after pressing 'Back' in browser;

24.02.2014 (v2.3.3)
-- Improved work of vertical scroll with mouse cursor.-- Improved arranging of tiles on homepage.-- Improved changing color of the tile.-- Improved compatibility with Firefox (animation on Blog page, direct links to pages and homepage, Dashboard)-- Fixed issue with vertical scroll displaying on blog post page.-- Fixed issue with removing social icon for 'Team' item.
09.02.2014 (v2.3.1)
-- Fixed the header text-- Fixed team and works focus-- Fixed home tile responsive
05.02.2014 (v2.3.0)
-- Fixed 'Load More' button behavior on 'Blog' page-- Fixed social icons issue for 'Our Team' item-- Fixed issue with gallery images for 'Our Works' item in Dashboard-- Fixed issue with displaying Dashboard elements in WordPress 3.8-- Fixed issue with disappearing line breaks on frontend-- Improved displaying of tiles in Internet Explorer-- Improved displaying of tiles on some portable devices-- Improved short-code for 'Accordion' element-- Improved slider in 'Our Works' item description-- Improved compatibility with third-party plugins-- Improved direct links-- Improved rearranging of tiles in Dashboard-- Improved order of appearing newest 'Our Works' items. Now they appear in the top of 'Our Works' page.-- Added fav icon option in Dashboard-- Added 'Next page' button in navigation bar-- Added some customization options


-- Added: opportunity to set external links for the tiles;-- Added: direct links for the pages;-- Added: opportunity to set up several pictures for one item on "Our works" page;-- Fixed: preloader;-- Fixed: the issue with displaying on mobile devices;-- Fixed: the issue with "Back" button in the browsers;

-- Fixed: text in footer. Removed automatically adding ", 2013";-- Fixed: the copyright in the footer section of the blog posts;-- Fixed: links color;-- Fixed: background image size on the homepage;-- Fixed: the displaying of icons on tiles in Internet Explorer browser;-- Fixed: "Visit Site" button in the section "Our Works";-- Fixed: the line brake in the pages;-- Fixed: the bug with big font size in Admin panel;-- Fixed: the bug with the empty tile, which appeared in the main menu;-- Fixed: the displaying of social icons, when using custom font in the Theme Style menu;-- Preloader option added to Theme Style Menu;-- Fixed: the bug with "Back" button on the mobile devices;
-- Fixed: Responsive behavior;-- Fixed: Menu customization;-- Fixed: Works attributes not showed when not set;-- Added: Fonts customization;-- Added: Works category filter;
-- Fixed: Menu customization (changing color, icon, size);-- Updated: Standard mode design (blog, typography and styles, basic pages etc);-- Fixed: Some Bags;-- Added: Small improvements;

For a quick solution of your problem we recommend to contact the customer support at our support site.

We appreciate your time, so we worked hard to make an appeal to the support convenient and comfortable. You must understand that we also appreciate our time, that is why we strongly recommend not to seek other ways to appeal to the support, and immediately create the ticket at the support site.
The customer support runs on weekdays from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm GMT +2. Some days of the year turn to be holidays, respectively, we can not give you support then. However, we will inform about those days in advance.

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