Illustrate - Responsive Portfolio & Blog Theme

Illustrate - Responsive Portfolio & Blog Theme

Created with designers and artists in mind, Illustrate elegantly displays your portfolios. The theme features a drag & drop homepage, custom post types for the portfolio and slider, unique color overlays based on your featured image, not yet seeing on ThemeForest color palette function for your portfolio posts, custom social widget, custom tabbed widget and more!

Feature Rich Portfolio
One of the greatest aspects of this theme is the portfolio. The theme supports image, image slider, and video portfolio post styles – but the fun doesn’t stop there. The portfolio item hovers are based on the dominate color of the featured image (e.g. a picture of goldfish would have an orange overlay). For the image and image slider posts a unique and useful color palette is generated based on the main colors found in the image. As you hover over each color in the palette the hex value appears, making this a very helpful tool for designers and fun for your users. There is also built-in social sharing (with customized design), so readers can tweet, like, +1 or pin your portfolio items in seconds.

Theme Options Panel
The theme includes an advanced Theme Options Panel. From here you can upload your own custom logo, define a custom name and slug for your Portfolio post type, toggle the responsiveness of your website, edit the number of widget columns in your footer and more!


Illustrations: Krzysztof Nowak
Admin Panel: Slightly Modified Options Framework by Syamil MJ

Total Drag and Drop WordPress Theme

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