Wedding - Responsive Single Page WordPress Theme

Wedding - Responsive Single Page WordPress Theme

Wedding is a Powerful, Single-Page, and Responsive WordPress Theme. With this theme, you can easily create a wedding related website, but you can also use it for other purposes too. Everything is flexible and easy to customize.

The theme is based on the great Wedding – Creative PSD Template from bestwebsoft, you can check it out here:

Here is a video about the install process:

Key features

  • Fully responsive
  • Easy-to-use single-page layout (everything works automatically based on the main navigation)
  • Unlimited color schemes
  • Timeline feature
  • Gallery with multiple albums
  • Ajax pagination
  • Post formats
  • Featured images
  • 20+ shortcodes
  • 250+ icons using Entypo
  • Unique slider generator
  • Retina ready
  • Translation ready
  • Great and fast support


Your theme really is solid. I’ve worked with Wordpress since the early days and this is one of the most organized and fully featured themes I’ve used for sure.theo2112
I love the theme thank you so much for creating it! It’s perfect for our wedding site. – mssarakelly
By the way, this theme is GREAT!! It’s so easy to figure out and customize and everyone who has seen it, loves it! – maryclare124
Thank you for the beautiful theme! It really nice! – ColinSnaps
I’d just like to say Viszt Peter has excellent customer support, is very quick to respond and constantly updating this theme. – 4054


- Compatible with 4.5+- Fixed main navigation - if you are not using the single page layout, links behave normally- Updated import file for newer WP versions
- Bugfix for newer PHP versions
- WP 4.4 compatibility fix(options page)- Auto update fix
- various bugfixes- WP 4.3 and 4.4 compatibility
- native admin icons for custom post types(dashicons)- fixed shortcode buttons- ajax pagination fixed on single page home when no permalink is used- new feature: if you're on a single static page, clicking in the navigation links will return you to the single page layout, not a new single page- ajax pagination for timeline posts- WP 4.0 compatibility
- admin css fixes for WP3.8- small css issues fixed- html issues fixed- faster page loading time- completely rewritten gallery css(better responsive mode)
- Timeline CSS fixes
- Optional search form in the header
- Clickable featured image on the timeline- Now you can use a single album on the single-page layout- Now you can use any html content or short code for timeline items(when you're using the Aside post format)- Footer widget area is registered by default- Multiple line navigation- Typo fixed in admin
- CSS fixes
- Couple of now icons: aboveground-rail,belowground-rail,bicycle,bus,campsite,ferry,fuel,harbour,heliport,lodging,monument,museum,rail,restaurant,town-hall,youtube,youtube-play
- Bugfix - small timeline issue
- Bugfix - column shortcode with tabs
- Bugfix - fancybox pagination limited to albums/galleries- Post format additional options appears by default using wp 3.6- Bugfix - gallery was too wide in responsive mode
- New shortcode for simple titles with icons([title_icon icon="heart rounded" size="h1"]Text[/title_icon])- Auto theme updates through your WordPress admin
- Updated LayerSlider JS (which will fix an issue with WordPress 3.6)
- Bugfix - Tabs shortcode works multiple times on one page- Target attribute for the button shortcode
- WordPress 3.6 Structured Post Formats compatibility- Read more button bug fixed on homepage- Long links with ellipsis overflow in the timeline- Image max-width bug fixed- Quote on the left side of the timeline looks better- Ability to create multiple timelines with custom date/time formats and order- If the timeline content is empty, the content box is now hidden- Sample XML included- Smaller slider bugs fixed- Updated translation- Various smaller code fixes
- Fixed a php warning when all of the menu location is empty- Boxed layout- Comments on albums- Comments on album photos- Option to change the target for the albums(new window or lightbox)- Section title colour change in theme options- New colour picker and media uploader in theme options- Various fixes in the theme-options php file- Updated translation file
1.0.1 – Fixed issue with custom colours and font types
1.0 – First release


  • Photos from “tpsdave” (on the demo site & content) – http://


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