Wedding Planner Theme For Concrete5

Wedding Planner Theme For Concrete5

Concrete5 ThemeClean design with illustrations specifically for a wedding theme. (view demo for specifics)Responsive design based on Foundation by Zurb allowing your site to look great on multiple devices.

Features:Wedding Illustrations:Bride at computer in showcase, Cake, Heart Flowers, Wedding Dress, Rings

Includes 5 add on blocks (Please note these are very basic, simple add ons and for more functionality you can find more robust versions in the marketplace.)

Pop up block--Create beautifully styled pop ups that match the theme

Logo creator--Create a logo that is styled with

Button maker--Make your own CSS3 styled buttons on the fly that match the theme

Tab creator--Simple but effective tabs styled to match the site

Flexxy – courtesy of Jordan Lev’s Flex(xy) Slider--Responsive slider that works seamlessly with the theme.

Includes custom attributes and custom views for concrete5 pagelist block for special roll over affects and two columns services.

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