Jarida - Responsive WordPress News, Magazine, Blog

Jarida - Responsive WordPress News, Magazine, Blog
Jarida is a Clean Responsive Magazine, News and Blog Template .


Documentation , FAQ & Video Guides


Theme Features


= Version 2.4.0 - 17-04-2016 ========================================- Updated: The theme is now WordPress 4.5 ready.- Updated: The theme is now WooCommerce 2.5 ready.- Improved: Facebook Counter.- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 2.3.2 - 04-10-2015 ========================================- Updated: The theme is now WordPress 4.3 ready.- Updated: The theme is now WooCommerce 2.4 ready.- Improved: Storing custom post fields value in the DB.- Fixed: Main menu responsive bug.- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 2.3.1 - 11-08-2015 ========================================- Improved: Facebook Counter.- Improved: Twitter Counter.- Fixed: ratingValue may not be empty bug.- Fixed: Responsive stick menu position bug.- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 2.3.0 - 01-07-2015 ========================================- NEW FEATURE: New Smart Stick Navigation.- NEW FEATURE: Remove Query Strings From Static Resources to improve the load speed.- NEW FEATURE: Fly check also box with option to set its position, number of posts and query type.- Updated: Facebook API 2.0 - Now you need to get app access token, check the Documentation for more information.- Updated: Youtube API 3.0 - Now you need to get API Key ... check the Documentation for more information.- Updated: The theme’s Documentations.- Updated: prettyPhoto LightBox Library to version 3.1.6.- Updated: New WordPress title function.- Improved: Views system.- Fixed: Audio Player styling bug.- Fixed: Login widget bug for subdirectories installation.- Fixed: ToolTip shortcode bug.- Fixed: Exclude pages from search bug with bbPress.- Fixed: Homepage categories blocks custom colours bug.- And Improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 2.2.1 - 06-08-2014 ========================================- Fixed: PHP warnings messages.- Fixed: Custom background bug for Categories and posts.- Fixed: Box shortcode bug.= Version 2.2.0 - 21-07-2014 ========================================- Added: WPML Support for custom code area in the homepage builder.- Added: RTL demo content XML file in the theme package.- Added: Italiano, Spanish, Turkish, French, Russian and Urdu languages files.- Improved: Images lightbox on Mobiles.- Improved : Some RTL Styles.- Fixed: All known php warnings when the wp_debug is enabled.- Fixed: BuddyPress pages comments bug.- Fixed: OG image bug in BuddyPress pages.- Fixed: Review widget bug.- Fixed: pagination bug in blog list page template.- Fixed: Tabs shortcode bug.- Fixed: Categories bug in the slider widget.- Fixed: stick navigation bug with footer area.- Fixed: stick navigation bug with sub-menu links.- Fixed: Full screen video bug with animated content effect.- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 2.1.1 - 12-02-2014 ========================================- Improved: Compatible with the new WooCommerce plugin version 2.1+ ( After Update the plugin you need to re-add thw shop widgets in the shop sidebar ).- Improved: Breaking News module position before loading the theme's js file.- Fixed: Mega menu HTML bug.- Fixed: vimeo video og image bug.- Fixed: StumbleUpon post URL bug.- Fixed: Appearance of content bug on Android browsers.- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 2.1.0 - 03-02-2014 ========================================- NEW FEATURE: Offset option in the Homepage boxes.- NEW FEATURE: Compatible with the UberMenu plugin.- Improved: Some RTL styling.- Improved: woocommerce shop page sidebar position option.- Improved: custom background and color options for Woocommerce shop page. - Fixed: Title bug in the Text or Html widget.- Fixed: bbPress user profile bug.- Fixed: Authors social icons in authors template page.- Fixed: Submit button bug when jquery validation option set to ON .- Fixed: Top navigation appearance and styling issues.- Fixed: Mega menus styling bug in the Scrolling nav.- Fixed: WPML bug in the Recent posts widget.- Fixed: Elastic Slideshow overlay on main nav menu.- Fixed: Stick Main Nav bug with Safari7 on Mac (beta).- Fixed: Selective posts option in the main slider bug.- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 2.0.1 - 26-01-2014 ========================================- Improved: Alignment of responsive Ads.- Fixed: bbPress custom sidebars bug.- Fixed: Categories custom sidebars bug.- Fixed: IE9 content appearance bug.- Fixed: Language Selector widget appearance bug.- Fixed: Web Safe Fonts Typography bug.- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 2.0.0 - 23-01-2014 ========================================- NEW FEATURE: New TiePanel modern Flat and Clean design .- NEW FEATURE: Retina Ready .- NEW FEATURE: Buddypress Ready .- NEW FEATURE: WPML Ready .- NEW FEATURE: bbPress Ready .- NEW FEATURE: Lazy Load content with option to disable it .- NEW FEATURE: Responsive Google AdSense .- NEW FEATURE: Instagram Followers Counter .- NEW FEATURE: SoundCloud Followers Counter .- NEW FEATURE: Behance Followers Counter .- NEW FEATURE: Best Reviews page template with options to set categories and the number of posts .- NEW FEATURE: Mega menu for categories links in the main nav to show latest 3 posts .- NEW FEATURE: Supports breadcrumbs rich snippets .- NEW FEATURE: Schema SEO Rich Snippet Authors Microdata.- NEW FEATURE: options to set Custom background and colors for posts and pages .- NEW FEATURE: Unlimited Review Criterias .- NEW FEATURE: Drag and drop feature to sort the Review Criterias.- NEW FEATURE: Support HTML in Review Summary.- NEW FEATURE: Support Custom sliders in the slider widget .- NEW FEATURE: Meta options for the Homepage boxes .- NEW FEATURE: Meta options for archives and Homepage blog layout .- NEW FEATURE: Option to Hide Slides caption .- NEW FEATURE: Option to set the length of Slides caption .- NEW FEATURE: option to set number of posts in tabbed widget .- NEW FEATURE: option to upload a Retina Version of the site logo.- NEW FEATURE: Nofollow option for banners .- NEW FEATURE: Apple devices Friendly .- NEW FEATURE: Background image ADS .- NEW FEATURE: Post link on the image in the Elastic slider .- NEW FEATURE: Full Share buttons on archives .- NEW FEATURE: Facebook Like and tweet buttons on the lightbox.- NEW FEATURE: Multiple categories selection for blog list page template .- NEW FEATURE: option to set User Roles for the authors page template .- NEW FEATURE: Option to set custom Title for the related posts box .- NEW FEATURE: Supports Youtube channels in the social counter widget .- NEW FEATURE: Variable tags to display current year , Site name and site URL dynamically in footer areas .- NEW FEATURE: New Social icons for 500px – Soundcloud , github and foursquare- NEW FEATURE: Behance and instagram in the author social links- NEW FEATURE: Multiple rows supported in the main nav .- NEW FEATURE: Live typography preview .- NEW FEATURE: Added new 129 Google Fonts .- NEW FEATURE: New Web Safe Fonts .- NEW FEATURE: One Click Auto-Install demo sample data .- NEW FEATURE: Typography option for Khmer and Vietnamese Google fonts Character sets .- NEW FEATURE: Support for responsive google adsense asynchronous code.- NEW FEATURE: compatible with IE on Windows 8 Tablets.- NEW FEATURE: compatible with [audio] [video] introduced in WP3.6.- Improved: theme updates notifier cache .- Improved: Columns shortcode now responsive .- Improved: H1 tag for categories and tags titles in archives pages .- Improved: Search when “Exclude Pages in results” option enabled .- Improved: Share Buttons load time .- Improved: Wp_title() function .- Improved: Thumbnails functions .- Improved: Facebook Counter function .- Improved: Twitter Counter function .- Improved: Twitter widget .- Improved: User ratings stars on Firefox .- Improved: Facebook widget .- Improved: Flex slider start time .- Improved: “Category Archives:” Removed from categories page .- Improved: All Categories settings moved to category edit page .- Improved: RTL Style issues .- Improved: MySql queries speed.- Improved: Support charset options for the default fonts.- Improved: Most Commented posts function .- Improved: All theme js files moved to the footer to improve theme speed.- Improved: Video Height in the responsive mode .- Fixed: Recent posts box pagination bug.- Fixed: The number of posts in the recent posts box when there are sticky posts.- Fixed: Vertical tabs shortcode height bug.- Fixed: Woocommerce Images sizes ( Deactivate the theme and re-activate it again to apply the changes) .- Fixed: Columns shortcode in box shortcode bug .- Fixed: Google plus share post title bug .- Fixed: Error message when no criterias for the review .- Fixed: Rich snippets of pages .- Fixed: Review bug with IE8 .- Fixed: custom login page dashboard logo size bug in WordPress 3.8 .- Fixed: Style issue in the Google Plus widget.- Fixed: Number of faces appeared in the facebook like box widget.- Fixed: Dropcap and Highlight shortcodes in excerpts .- Fixed: Lists bullets on IE11.- Fixed: number_format warning bug in view module .- Fixed: OG description length bug.- Fixed: Sidebar position bug in 2 columns layout.- Fixed: Javascript error when breaking news module empty .- Fixed: Conflict between views module and cache plugins (beta).- Fixed: IE8 style issues.- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.5.0 - 29-07-2013 ========================================- NEW FEATURE: Display the featured image caption in the single post page.- NEW FEATURE: Active title link for the scrolling and news in picture boxes .- NEW FEATURE: Schema SEO Rich Snippet Authors Microdata.- NEW FEATURE: OG Meta for posts with option to disable it .- NEW FEATURE: Pagination option for recent posts box in homepage builder.- NEW FEATURE: Compatibility with Infinite Scroll plugin .- Improved: Theme Performance and Speed by caching the Social counters for 20 minutes .- Improved: Twitter Counter function.- Improved: Timeline Template page.- Improved: Slider in the full width posts.- Improved: Responsive style .- Improved: Buttons style on iPhones/iPad .- Improved: Theme updates notifier cache .- Improved: Vertical tabs shortcode height.- Improved: WooCommerce responsive layout.- Improved: Lightbox responsive layout.- Improved: Post views number format.- Fixed: Sidebars position bug .- Fixed: 300 width ADs on mobiles . - Fixed: Social icons in author pages.- Fixed: Google Plus widget in RTL version.- Fixed: Delete Homepage builder items and custom slides icon.- Fixed: Conflict with wordpress related posts plugins.- Updated: Theme Documentations .- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.4.0 - 18-06-2013 ========================================- NEW FEATURE: Reviews for pages.- NEW FEATURE: Support Content column in the middle in the pages.- NEW FEATURE: Support shortcodes in AD widgets .- Updated : Theme functions to use Twitter Api 1.1 .- Improved: Elastic Slideshow Slides Images ALT .- Improved: Lightbox Next/Prev arrows.- Improved: Body background with Full Screen Background option.- Improved: Content width for the full width posts/pages.- Improved: Site title and tagline typography options.- Fixed: Time Ago Format bug.- Fixed: Footer Social icon option.- Fixed: post head videos conflict with the main nav on IE .- Fixed: Timeline page comments.- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.3.2 - 19-05-2013 ========================================- Improved : Shortcodes issues .- Improved : wp_title() function .- Improved : Facebook counter function  .- Fixed : Sidebar Slider position on small devices .- Fixed : Ad Widgets bug .- Fixed : Wide News box bug .- And other improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.3.1 - 15-05-2013 ========================================- Improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.3.0 - 13-05-2013 ========================================- NEW FEATURE: WooCommerce Compatibility .- NEW FEATURE: Ability to choose Normal fonts Tahmoa , Arial , Georgia , etc from fonts list .- NEW FEATURE: 6 Arabic fonts .- NEW FEATURE: Archives 2 Columns Layout .- NEW FEATURE: Best reviews , Most viewed option to the posts list widget .- NEW FEATURE: Option to show most viewed posts in the tabbed widget .- NEW FEATURE: Users ratings .- Improved : change the footer bottom area with main footer color option .- Improved : Facebook like button to show the comment area .- Improved : Responsive issues .- Improved : Categories Wide news box .- Fixed : Author widgets bug .- Fixed : Breadcrumbs bug when the post doesn't have a category .- Fixed : Button shortcode bug .- Fixed : Register page link in the login widget .- Updated : Theme Documentations .- Improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.2.1 - 15-04-2013 ========================================- Improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.2.0 - 10-04-2013 ========================================- NEW FEATURE: Supports Shortcodes in banners area .- NEW FEATURE: Content column in the middle .- NEW FEATURE: Styling Option to set the Highlighted Color .- NEW FEATURE: Styling Option to set the main nav Separators lines Color .- NEW FEATURE: Styling Option to set background for the header area .- NEW FEATURE: Option to disable theme gallery to use Jetpack Tiled Galleries .- NEW FEATURE: Typography option to change the font family and size of post title in the slider .- NEW FEATURE: Typography option to change the font family and size of post title in the Homepage boxes.- Improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.1.2 - 29-03-2013 ========================================- Improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.1.1 - 27-03-2013 ========================================- Improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.1.0 - 25-03-2013 ========================================- NEW FEATURE: Add option to use Two Columns instead of 3 columns .- NEW FEATURE: Typography option for Site Title and Tagline in header .- NEW FEATURE: Option to show colored boxes in the homepage .- Improvements and minor bug fixes.= Version 1.0.0 ========================================- First release


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