Radioos - Responsive WordPress Theme

Radioos - Responsive WordPress Theme

Radioos WordPress theme is a classic and simple portfolio theme, perfectly made to showcase amazing projects you did.



Change log

Version 1.4 (August 25, 2015)- WordPress 4.3 support- new TK plugins support- contact form and template page update- various CSS and JS fixes- Files changed: functions.php, header.php, sendcontact.php, style.css, inc/theme-settings.php, inc/plugins/, inc/widgets/widget-newsletter.php, inc/widgets/widget-twitter.php, script/common.js, style/shortcodes.cssVersion 1.3- Replaced shortcodes with shortcodes plugin- Files changed: functions.php, style.css, style/style.css- Files added: inc/plugins/, inc/tgm-plugin-activator/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php, style/shortcodes.css- Removed inc/shortcodes folderVersion 1.2-twitter widget update-administration updateFiles changed:/functions.php/inc/admin-settings.php/inc/theme-settings.php/inc/widgets/widget-twitter.php/script/twitter/TwitterAPIExchange.phpVersion 1.1.1 (15.01.2013)- Fixed problem with using child theme for RadioosVersion 1.1 (17.12.2012)- Update for WordPress 3.5


Support for all Themes Kingdom themes is handled through the Themes Kingdom support system, if you’d like to open a new ticket over there and Themes Kingdom support team will take a look at your issue :)

How to register support account?