Soundrock - Music Band Club Template

Soundrock - Music Band Club Template

Soundrock is an html template specially designed for Bands and music websites. This template is easy to modify and ready to be up and running out of the box. The PSD file included have been customized to allow fast skinning.

Main Features

  1. Responsive Design
  2. 2 Level Dropdown Menu , improved with JQuery
  3. PSD file included
  4. Easy to change Color skins with custom graphics
  5. Compatibility all new browsers
  6. Documentation Included
  7. Quality source Code nicely formatted and commented to make editing this template as easy as possible.

This template comes in 6 pre made color variations: yellow, red, blue, gray, green, orange. But it will only take one minute to create your desired color schemes


Files Included

  1. Home
  2. Blog
  3. Blog Detail
  4. Albums
  5. Albums Detail
  6. Gallery – Two Column
  7. Gallery – Three Column
  8. Gallery – Four Column
  9. Gallery – Slideshow
  10. About Us
  11. News
  12. GIGS
  13. Contact Us

The item documentation is extensive and the source code is properly commented and formatted, so you shouldn’t have any problem working with this item.

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