Gonzo - Clean, Responsive WP Magazine

Gonzo -  Clean, Responsive WP Magazine

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Take your blog to the Next Level with Gonzo

Whether you want to give your dusty old blog a new coat of paint or are drowning in a sea of posts and categories, Gonzo is here to your rescue.

Simplify and present your content in a way that is accessible, logical and beautiful.

Responsive and Future Proof

Gonzo is built with semantic HTML5/CSS3 and is completely responsive/retina-ready. Not only is it responsive but it also keeps that magazine feel right down to mobile screen sizes. Practically every typographic element has been endlessly tweaked for different screen sizes to make sure it looks great no matter what the device.

Review System

Easy to use review system with support for both stars and percentage ratings. You also have the option of placing the review at the top or bottom of the post.

On top of that, the reviews and other posts share the same taxonomy (category system). You can mix the reviews in with your other content or separate them; that’s your call.

Flexible Layouts

Want a simple blogroll that you set up in minutes? Gonzo’s got you covered. Want the flexibility of organising huge mass of content in a simple, clear and logical way? Yup, Gonzo’s got your back there too.

There are two main styles of blogroll. On top of that are five different layout modules that you can pick and choose between for more complex layouts. Clear and sensible spacing, combined with good hierarchy will ensure that even the fustiest troglodyte will have no problem navigating your blog.

Legible and Accessible Content

Legibility and accessibility should be of major concern when choosing a magazine theme and Gonzo does not disappoint. Clear typographic hierarchy and cross-device compatibility will ensure that not only will you reach more people, those same people won’t have to squint or mess around with the zoom on their mobile devices.

As well as that, there’s also a .po file for localisation. The theme uses Google Fonts so adding different character sets (eg Cyrillic) is a cinch.

Professional Support

Like any author worth their salt on this marketplace, I take support very seriously. If you need help or want to preview my support system (purchase not necessary) you can sign up here: http://omc.ticksy.com/

Other Great Features

Compatible with Adpress Plugin: For responsive advertising, Gonzo is 100% compatible with Adpress from CodeCanyon right out of the box (not included).

Facebook and Wordpress Comments: You have the option of using Facebook comments to get more reach or use WP comments to preserve anonymity. The choice is yours.

Four Post Formats: Choose from standard, audio (with soundcloud), video (embed) and gallery.

GUI Shortcodes: User-friendly buttons/dialogue system. No need to type or remember the shortcodes.

Widgets included: Facebook Fans, Socialbox Counter, Video, Latest Posts with Thumbnails, Tabbed Widget (supports all widget types) and Flickr Widget.

Connected Author Page: Dedicated Author page with social media icons directly integrated into the User Panel in the WP Dashboard.

BBPress: Gonzo is now compatible with the BBPress forum plugin.

Best Reviews Page: As of version 1.5 there is a best reviews page and widget (both are filterable by category).


For a full list of all live preview images (w/thumbnails) & code used in this theme you can head over here.

Special thanks to the following:

Photodune: leungchopan, andreasgradin, Irochka & kubator

Flickr CC: Kopaz, Michael C. Rael, Mark Sebastian, Tofu Verde, Vincent van der Pas & Topato

Subtle Patterns: Link

Tax Meta Box: Ohad Raz

User-friendly Buttons: Pippin’s Plugins


Version 1.9.7 Bug fix

style.cssjs/scripts.jsincludes/class/Tax-meta-class/ ***all files updated***

Version 1.9.6 Security update (prettyPhoto)


Version 1.9.5 Updated OptionTree

style.cssheader.phpfunctions.phpincludes/menu-alterations.phpoption-tree/ ***all files updated***

Version 1.9.4 Added stylesheets for iPhone 6 and other larger phones

style.cssheader-options.phpcss/style_main.csscss/style_320.css+ css/style_375.css+ css/style_414.css+ css/style_480.css+ css/style_667.css- css/style_400.css

Version 1.9.3 Updated the Socialbox plugin


Version 1.9.2 Compatible with Wordpress 4.0


Version 1.9.1 Added Retina Support

style.cssfunctions.phpsidebar.phpsingle.phpheader-options.phploop-module-flex.phploop-flexslider-homepage.phpcss/style_main.phpcss/style_1024.phpcss/flexslider.phpincludes/widget-best-reviews.phpincludes/widget-facebook-fans.phpincludes/widget_areas.phpincludes/thumbnails.phpjs/scripts.js+ includes/theme-options.php+ images/ *added @2x images        -+ /option-tree/ *all files replaced

Version 1.9.0 Compatible with WP3.8


Version 1.8.5 Compatible with WP3.6


Version 1.8.4 (Added Google+ to the Socialbox plugin)


Version 1.8.3 (Updated Socialbox for the new Twitter API)


Version 1.8.2 (Updated Socialbox and bbPress compatibility)

attachment.phpcss/style_main.cssfooter.phpfunctions.phpheader-options.phpimages/small-social-sprite.pngincludes/Tax-meta-class/Tax-meta-class.phpincludes/shortcodes/(all php files)options-tree/theme-options.phppage.phpstyle.csstemplate-homepage.php+ bbpress.php+ css/bbpress.css- includes/plugins/socialbox/

Version 1.8.1 (Update for Wordpress 3.5)


Version 1.8 (Easier Adpress integration and improved child theme support)


Version 1.7 (added secondary menu, google snippets and author listing page)


Version 1.6 (added user ratings)


Version 1.5.1


Version 1.5 (Added best reviews page and widget)

css/style_main.cssfunctions.phpheader-options.phpincludes/meta-box-config.php+ includes/widget-best-reviews.phpindex.phploop-blog-style-1.phploop-blog-style-2.phppage.phpstyle.php+ template-best-reviews.phptemplate-homepage.php

Version 1.4 19th June 2012


Version 1.3 5th June 2012


Version 1.2 1st June 2012


Version 1.1 30th May 2012


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